Page 52 of Noah

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Chapter Seventeen


Lizzie grumbled, glaring at me while we waited for Avery to buzz us in. “I hate winter.”

“It’s only January. You’ve got at least two more months of this.”

“I hate you,” she scoffed. Thankfully, Avery unlocked the door, and we were in just as soon as Lizzie closed her gaping mouth.

“Oh, look.” I nodded at the elevator. “I wonder if this one ever gets stuck.” I rolled my eyes to the side, watching Lizzie blush. She pressed the button for Sean and Avery’s floor and nestled at my side.


I shrugged in reply, looking up at the ceiling and feigning innocence. They were only a few floors up, and even though we’d been there often, I still remembered the morning I first stepped into that elevator almost a year ago.

“Hi,” Avery greeted us with a smile on her face and her hair all over the place. She stood in the hallway, already waiting for us. Her face was flushed, and to me, she looked really uncomfortable.

“Bean!” Lizzie barreled toward Avery. “Backside huggle buggle so as to not compromise the belly! Mwah!” She kissed Avery’s cheek and left her arm wrapped around Avery’s shoulders from behind. Avery’s cheeks pinkened as she smiled, playfully rolling her eyes.

“I want to sit down,” she told Lizzie, escaping her clutches and walking inside. “There’s lasagna in the oven. Lizzie, do you mind?”

“Not at all.” Lizzie sped past Avery into the condo. I reached out for Avery’s elbows as she stopped to lean against the door frame.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, letting her weight fall into me with her quiet sigh of relief. It took a minute, but she finally answered as she wrapped her right arm around my waist.

“I’m okay,” she groaned, pressing her head against my chest as we walked. “Everything hurts. Especially today. Maybe it’s because Sean’s not here to spoil me.”

“Maybe.” I didn’t believe that, though. Avery’s weight was balanced on me while we entered their kitchen. We caught Lizzie fumbling with the hot lasagna pan and garlic bread, cursing when she almost burned herself. I guided Avery to the couch opposite their kitchen, fluffing a pillow behind her back.

“Thank you.” She smiled at me, reaching for my hand as I stood from the couch.

“Of course.” I glanced at Lizzie, confirming she had dinner under control, and sat next to Avery. She sank against my chest, so I wrapped my right arm around her shoulders, giving a squeeze while gently kissing the top of her head.

“Is this new?” Avery brushed her thumb over the small Malin tattoo between my thumb and index finger.

“Yeah.” I paused, peaking at Lizzie with a hopeless grin on my face. “We all have our bumps before we move ahead. Don’t we?”

“You two are so damn cute.” She giggled, but it was cut off with a slight moan. “But you’re absolutely right. Maybe we should all get that tattoo.” Avery hissed as she adjusted her position on the couch, and Lizzie was quick to join us, her cute face plastered with concern.

“What’s happening?” Lizzie demanded, her worried eyes flicking between mine.

“I’m trying to get up,” Avery joked. “Lizzie, help me. This is embarrassing.” Lizzie’s arms were instantly around Avery’s, letting her cling while pulling her from the couch and walking with her to the bathroom.

I went into the kitchen to gather plates and silverware, carrying a pile in my arms, when Lizzie leaned against the doorframe.

“She doesn’t look well. Maybe I should call Sean,” she wondered out loud. I kissed her forehead as I passed her, placing the silverware and plates on the dining table. Lizzie followed me in and linked her right arm with my left, leaning her head on my bicep.

“Isn’t he at some dinner for the medical foundation?”

We returned to the kitchen, and Lizzie quickly unscrewed the sparkling apple juice, pouring it in three glasses. “This is horrendous,” she grumbled, “but I’ll do anything for Avery.”

“I’ll get you your special grape juice at home, little one,” I baited, getting her perturbed glare in response. I walked to her, wrapping my arms around her from behind, and whispered in her ear. “I love you.”

“You’re lucky I feel the same way. Now get out of here so I can finish getting this stuff out of here.” Lizzie nudged my waist with her hip and scurried past me with our dinner. Avery hadn’t returned from the bathroom, so I went to the couch, swirling the glass of apple juice in one hand.

“I should call him,” Lizzie declared when she came back into the room. I looked up at her, trying to hide my grin by biting on my top lip.

“You worry too much. Come here,” I ordered, winking at my secret fiancée, more than friend, love of my life. Lizzie’s shoulders dropped while she watched me, her blue eyes wide with worry as she fell next to me on the couch. She took the glass from my hand so I could hold her, and I felt her melt instantly within my arms.
