Page 49 of Celestia, Year One

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Finn grinned. "Don't worry. I'll wake up Hunter if she makes too much noise," he stated.

"You don't understand Arielle's chirping sprees. It's like death music to your ears. I bet it could cause internal bleeding at its worst," I disclosed.

"She’s probably just worried that her one true family and partner could be dead and she's impatiently waiting to find out," Finn stressed.

I frowned, "You’re right. One sec," I admitted, closing my eyes.Release and awaken, Arielle Rainbow.

I felt the section in my heart that was connected to my familiar awaken. I was slammed with a wave of emotions: fear, anxiety, hope, regret.

It only took ten seconds before I heard the flapping of wings. Finn looked over his shoulder at the door that was left open; Arielle's small frame flew into the room and straight to where I laid.

"BRU-REE!" she chirped, crashing into my cheek.

"Ow. You totally did that on purpose and not so loud. You'll wake the others," I huffed.

She landed on my lap, immediately shifting into her larger form and began to ignite.

"Uh. Is she gonna make the bed catch fire?" Finn asked, looking concerned.

"Ugh. Depends how upset she is. Arielle relax. I'm okay. I'm sorry for unsummoning you, but I couldn't afford to lose you and you know that," I confessed, petting her flaming body that continued to burn wildly. I knew she wasn’t truly upset or the bed would surely be on fire by now.

"Bru. Bru. Bru. Bru," she began her chirping spree while she glared at me.

I sighed, "Told you." I turned to Finn who looked pleased. "Why do you look so happy?" I asked.

"Arielle loves you dearly. She's only causing a fuss because she wants you to understand how worried she was. It's hard to find a familiar that cares so dearly for their owner," Finn acknowledged.

I looked down to Arielle who was still chirping away, but I noticed that her amber eyes were pooling with tears. "You were that worried?" I whispered.

"Bru-REE!" she replied, going back to her chirping spree while hopping up and down.

I smiled, wrapping my arms around her fiery body. Her warm body stilled and her flames began to fade, leaving only soft feathers. "I'm sorry for worrying you, Arielle. Next time I'll let you fight with me, okay? I just didn't want to lose you. You're my best friend, remember?" I whispered.

"Bru..." She snuggled against me, rubbing my cheek with her head.

I pulled away, allowing Arielle to shift back to her smaller form. She flew to sit on Finn's shoulder, brushing his cheek in greeting.

"Hello, Arielle. Welcome back," Finn greeted.

"Bru-Ree," she replied.

I giggled. "It's nice that my familiar gets along with you guys," I admitted. It made me wonder if we'd stay together as a team.Which reminds me.

"What happened? I think I woke up before, right?" I asked.

Finn grinned. "You woke up twice actually," he confessed.

"Twice? I vaguely remember hearing you talk to Magnor, but I can't recall waking another time. Was that a dream?" I pondered.

"Nah, that was real. But you woke up when we arrived here in the medical clinic. Magnor warned us you'd act a little different," Finn confessed.

My eyes grew wide as my cheeks began to burn red. "Please don't tell me my ditzy side came out! Please? Was it me or Sia?" I asked.

"Sia? Who's that?" he asked.

"Okay. Not Sia. Then it was me. Oh no. How bad was it?" I ranted on, wondering if I would have to remove all traces of my identity and escape the school grounds when everyone was asleep to escape the shame.

"Are you gonna explain who Sia is?" he asked.
