Page 23 of Bonfire

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I open the box, and a ray of sunshine shifts past the clouds and pours through the trees. Mother Nature has put a spotlight on her most perfect creation.

Emma’s gorgeous pink lips pop open as her eyes sparkle in the sunlight.

“I don’t know all the answers, and I can’t say what’s going to happen in a week or a year or fifty years. But I do know one thing: I want to spend all of my time with you. The rest of this life, I have to have you in it.” I exhale a deep breath, realizing that I’ve been holding my breath for what may have been an eternity. “Emma. Please. Marry me.”

Tears roll down her cheeks as she jumps down from the craggy rocks and into my arms. I set her down on solid ground, and she screams, absolutely screams in happiness.

“Stop that,” I rasp with a smile, swatting her cute round little ass. “Someone’s going to think there’s something bad happening out here.”

“I would let you fuck me out here if you wanted,” she says, her cheeks blushing.

“Emma, you never, ever talk like that,” I say as I wrap my arms around her. “At least not where anyone can hear it.”

“I want the whole entire world to know that I am going to be Mrs. Adrian Stern.”

“Put the ring on before you tell anyone,” I say, getting down on one knee again. “I want to keep this to ourselves for one night.”

I slide the ring onto her finger, and she holds her hand out, in admiration

“This thing is freaking huge,” she says. “It’s beautiful. It’s just…”

Her voice trails off as she pulls her phone from her back pocket.

“No,” I say, grabbing the phone from her. “We aren’t telling anyone until tomorrow. I want to absolutely go to fucking town on you at least once before anyone else knows.”

“I wasn’t planning to call anyone,” she says with a laugh, snatching the phone back from me. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, then focuses on the screen.

I’m still kneeling. I look down. I’m kneeling in mud. I don’t care, though. I would kneel down in hot molten lava for this woman.

“Adrian…” she says, “look at this.”

She hands me the phone, and the wind gets knocked out of me.

“What does this mean, exactly?”

She shrugs. “It’s an app to track your cycle. And today, it means that if we wanted to try for…” She takes the phone back. “No, it’s way too soon.”

“Too soon for what?” I ask with bated breath.

Whatever it is, I know that it is certainly not too soon. I can’t wait another moment. I want it all with her. I want it all right now. Right fucking now. I wanted it yesterday. I wanted it from the moment life crawled forth from the universe’s primordial ooze and began the slow march of evolution to lead us to where we are today.

I wanted it the second my eyes caught hers. The moment I held her in my arms.

She sucks in a breath and lets it out sharply. “If we wanted to try for a baby tonight, it would be the right time.”

My cock is always in a state of arousal around my now-fiancée, but at those words, I get harder than stone, to the point of near-pain. I’ve never been happier to wear sweatpants than I am right now. I want to grab her in her little leggings and yank them down to slide my cock into her with no stupid fucking buttons or zippers to get in the way.

“I might never let you wear panties around me ever again,” I say as I grab her hand.

I start to race through the woods, dragging her along as she yelps and laughs.

“Slow down!” she yells.

“You’re already slowing me down,” I huff, scooping her up and carrying her the rest of the way home.

When we get inside the house, she drops her backpack and lands with a thud. Her pencils roll away on the hardwood floor, and I lunge for them. I know how important they are to her. I know that she likes to sharpen them a certain way so they glide like butter.

I stuff them back into the bag and then grab my soon-to-be-wife.
