Page 15 of Forbidden Letters

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Dear Ax,

I’m so excited but don’t want to reveal too much.

Mi and I talked. She admitted she knew something had happened that day, but she was so hurt she brushed it all away. Anyway, we’re good no—

Avryl’s pen makes a long line against the paper as it’s pulled from underneath her.

“What are you doing?”

Behind her, Nayomi stands with the sheet in a fist. “No, what are you doing?”


“If I’m going to help you with this, you can never write him again.”



Avryl starts to get up, but Nayomi puts the sheet behind her back. “Glenn might have been fucked up, but we need to cut what happened completely out of our lives. Both of us do. That means you will never, ever write Axton Manson again. Or else you can write the lawyers and the judge and everyone else all by yourself. And you can find a new job.”

“This doesn’t make sense, Mi. He—”

“It doesn’t have to make sense to you; it make sense to me.” Nayomi’s words come out lightning-fast. “Say yes.”

“But… Nayomi, please.”

“Say yes.”

Avryl turns around and shuts her eyes. He can still write her. She still has his old letters. “Fine.”


