Page 16 of Forbidden Letters

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I know…

My return address is different, but if we want to continue writing to each other, for now, this is where you’ll need to send your letters. There’s so much to explain, but I asked my friend Mia will accept your letters and share them with me in secret. It’s for the best, for now, but I can’t shut you out of my life, not after you saved me. I’d miss our forbidden letters too much. I’d miss you.

So much has happened since I last wrote you.

Things with Nayomi are fine. We hashed things out, and you were right. She came around, eventually. I think my sisters talked to her, and I have to thank them for that. We both do.

I guess I should tell you something even though I really want it to be a surprise. I’m kind of afraid that if I keep it a secret from you, someone else will say something, and I want to be the first one to let you know.

We’re going to try to get you out.

Does that seem corny? The way I said that? I don’t know; I just know we’re doing something.

Mi and I talked, and she agreed to work with me to write the judge. I don’t quite know how everything is going to work out. So far we’ve only had a meeting with Nayomi’s lawyer. I think the next step is getting in touch with your lawyer or the police or something, but… I believe we have a chance, Ax! The only thing is, she made me promise not to write you again. She said I was forbidden from sending you another letter, but I'm writing you anyway. I cannot go without our letters. I would miss you way too much.

I can’t help it; I’m already thinking about what it will be like to see you again. This time will be very different, I imagine. Maybe we could get away both of us.

I know you said you don’t like to talk about getting released, and I can understand why you feel that way. But we have to try, at least. If you’re not going to have hope, I will have enough hope for the both of us. You saved me once; now let me save you.

I read your last letter like I read all of your letters.

I understand what you’re saying. I’m not going to try to push you into something that you don’t want. I’m leaving a lot of things in my head and off the page. And I’m doing that for you more than myself.



It starts with a letter to Axton’s lawyer, from Nayomi’s lawyer, on behalf of both sisters.

From there, a meeting with the judge.

The judge’s office feels miles away from where Avryl and Nayomi live. Avryl looks out the window to take in the sights, but there’s too much on her mind for that kind of light entertainment. Avryl’s last letter has gone unanswered for weeks. Her heart twists more and more with each day that passes, and there is no word from him.

After going through the whole idea with Mia—and teaching her how to send mail—then not hearing from Ax for weeks, Avryl feels hopeless. It seemed like a good idea at first. Message Mia what she wanted to say, and then have Mia write Ax. But bringing a stranger into their letter exchange probably freaked him out. Or someone at the prison put a stop to the letter because the return address was different than the approved address on file. Avryl really doesn’t know what's going on. She can only guess and keep moving forward with the plan.

She can’t imagine that he's angry with her, so the words from his last letter swirl in her mind.

However we feel about each other, we can’t go any further.

Sitting beside each other in the back seat of a Range Rover, Avryl and Nayomi look out of opposite windows. Avryl checks her phone for what she has to remember to say, Nayomi checking her phone because of her nerves.

“You sure you want to do this?” Her voice bounces against the glass window in front of her.

“Yes,” Avryl responds to the window on her side.

Nayomi lets out a deep breath as they arrive at the courthouse. She’d hoped to never step foot inside of this place ever again after Axton was found guilty. But, Avryl refuses to let the size or the grandeur of the building intimidate her. Instead, she has two things on her mind.

What she wants to say.

And Axton’s words from a more positive letter, telling her to stand her ground.

That’s what she will choose to remember now, nothing else.

An entertainment television show is the first to pick up the story.

Then the major talk shows.

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