Page 18 of Forbidden Letters

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“Thanks, Kev,” Nayomi says.

The sisters watch their father sitting in the middle of the room, the Bible resting on his lap with his left hand wrapped around it. He’s a regular-looking man. Always with a smile but he crinkles the corners of his eyes on purpose to look kinder. Stare long enough, and there’s something dark in his eye. And set far back in his mouth is a gold tooth. Not what most people would think appropriate for a preacher, but he never grins so the thirty parishioners at Cornerstone don’t know it exists.

“What are you doing here?” Nayomi asks. She’s already tired of him and lets it be known by the sound of her voice. Avryl stands back, ussure if she’ll need to come to her sister’s defense, but she’s ready just in case.

“Is that the way you greet your father? The man who gave you life and who you haven’t seen for years?”

“Cut the crap.”

“My.” Larry’s right hand goes to his chest. “Well, I thought you all would at least be happy to see me. I’m happy to see you.”

“Really? This place. What did you call it again? A den of sin? A little dramatic. I’m surprised you were able to walk through the door without going up in flames.”

Larry fake laughs. “Guess I deserve that.”

Neither sister responds when he goes silent. This is one thing they learned about him from a young age, from watching how he dealt with other people. Never give him more energy than the bare minimum. Otherwise, you’ll never get that energy back. There is something about him that reminds Avryl of a vampire, but she’s always kept that observation to herself.

“Okay, well, I won’t take up more of your time. I heard about Axton Manson.”

Nayomi shoots a look at Avryl and turns to open the door.

“Wait! I simply wanted to know if either of you had anything to do with it. Nayomi, I assume you…”

Nayomi keeps her eyes on Avryl and gestures to give her the floor.

“Yeah, we spoke to the judge, wrote a letter of recommendation on his behalf,” Avryl says.

“Ah, so… You’re okay with this?” He slowly addresses Nayomi, who stands with the door still open.

“What do you want, Larry? You called me a whore after Glenn died when I wouldn’t cut you in as an owner of Limelight. You curse my business to fail and tell everyone in your family that you regret the day you slept with my mother. And this is not even to mention the things you did to her. I have nothing for you. You’re lucky to be sitting in my club right now with that fucking smile on your face.”

All of the air leaves the room at once. The sisters have never, ever sworn at their father. That was the second lesson they learned sitting in the front pew at church.

“I hope you choke on that gold tooth.” Nayomi spins and leaves the room before Larry can answer. Outside they hear her order Kevan to escort him out of the club and put him on the list.

“Well, I’d tell you to never come here again, but that won’t be necessary,” Avryl says and turns to leave.

“Are you in a relationship with him?”


A small smile reappears on Larry’s face at her reaction. That is answer enough.

“Ahh, now I get it. So big strong comes in and saves the day, and you fall in love with your hero.”

How does he…

Avryl carefully checks herself.

“What are you talking about?”

“Your secret’s safe, Avryl. Don’t worry. But revenge is mine, sayeth—”

Kevan steps between them just as Larry starts what would have been an impassioned sermon.


“What… What did he say to you?”
