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“Yeah, you did,” I interrupt, thinking he’s talking about sleeping with me and then telling me it was a mistake.

He shakes his head slightly, his face turning a bit red. “I almost lost you because I was too stupid to realize that there are some times when the rules are not the most important thing. After everything happened with Mr. Nyx, I knew I could never, ever lose you again. You’re so fucking special, Meg. And…I love you so much.”

My mouth drops open at that statement. He’s never told me that before. “I love you, too,” I whisper, so glad he’s finally said it.

A crooked smile breaks out across his face. “Those are the greatest words anyone has ever said to me.” He stops and clears his throat, and I wonder if maybe he’s getting a little emotional. After a moment, he’s able to keep going. “I know you want to keep working here, and I might be able to figure out a way for you to stay involved with the club, but I don’t date employees, and I sure the fuck don’t marry them. I was going to ask you about this the night that Mr. Nyx kidnapped you, but that ruined everything. Now that I’ve had time to think about it, I have a better answer than just firing you. I think the best solution would be for you to marry me. I’ll be your sugar daddy, and you can do whatever the hell you want to with your days. And if that includes hanging out at the bar, well, who am I to stop you? Hell, maybe you can even run the club for me, as my doting wife, and I’ll be able to focus on…other activities.”

His logic causes a giggle to erupt deep down inside of me, and I find myself laughing for several seconds before he finally interrupts me. He’s promising me a life I never would’ve dreamed I’d be able to experience. Not only is Hunter rich, but he is also the perfect man for me, and having his money and not having to work means that I’ll truly be able to focus on what I want to do with my life.

And right now, all I want to do is work at Club Limelight with all of my friends. I love it here so much. The customers are amazing, too, and it just feels like home.

“So…you’ll marry me?” Hunter asks, and I realize he’s been down on one knee for a long time.

“Get up here!” I say, hauling him to his feet. “Of course I will! I already said I would!”

His mouth descends on mine, and I welcome him inside, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him with my whole heart. In my mind, I see a thousand nights in his arms, a million moments of laughter, and the smiling faces of our children and grandchildren.

As Hunter pulls away, he fishes something out of his pocket, one arm still around me. “This is for you, too,” he says, and once again, he has that sheepish look on his face, like he’s not sure how I will respond.

He wraps a silver band around my wrist and clips it on. “What is it?” I ask, puzzled, as I raise it closer so I can see it. The bracelet is a silver chain, but it has all kinds of little colorful charms on it. I see a paint bucket, a whiskey tumbler, a dollar sign, a duffle bag, and so many more.

“I got the bracelet for you the week after we went to get paint together, but I could never find the right time to give it to you. Since then, I’ve been collecting these little charms every time something happens between us, and now, well, you can see there are a lot. But there’s room for even more, and I am so looking forward to all of the other experiences we will get to spend together so that we can add more charms onto the bracelet for many years to come.”

When he is done speaking, I need a minute. My cheeks are wet with tears, and I’m struggling to find the right response. As much as I love the diamond ring, this bracelet is so thoughtful, so meaningful, I can hardly contain the love I feel in my heart for him. Since I met him, there have been times when I thought he was shallow or inconsiderate, but this just proves that he is neither of those things. He is thoughtful, loving, and caring. And… I just know, no matter what happens to us, we will always find a way to make it through—together.

Hunter lifts a hand to wipe away my tears, but they are tears of joy, so I never want them to end. His thumb is gentle on my cheek, and I smell his familiar masculine scent and want him to carry me off to unknown places and make passionate love to me.

His mouth comes down on mine, and I take my time, letting him explore my mouth as I concentrate on what it means to be in his arms. When he finally pulls away from me, I lean forward, not wanting to release him. A sigh of contentment leaves my lips, and I look into his eyes, one hundred percent happy, one hundred percent satisfied that I will be happy for the rest of my life with this man by my side.

“I love you so much, Meg. You’re everything I could’ve ever wanted in a woman. So smart, so funny, so fucking beautiful. I love the inside jokes we have, the way we can play with one another and still make each other smile. If there’s one thing I know for certain in this life, though, Meg, it’s that I was wrong about you.”

“What’s that?” I ask, tipping my head to the side as I try to understand.

With an easy smile, Hunter Stone tells me, “Meg, baby, you can’t be the best mistake I’ve ever made because you’re not a mistake at all.” With that, he lowers his lips to mine again, and we drift away on a sea of happiness, locked in each other’s arms.
