Page 108 of Limitless

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Our rings. What a bunch of bullshit. He’d lied to me. How could I gather strength from lies? Deception?

“There you go,” Hunter said. “In. Out. Nice and slow.”

Shuffling beside me drew my attention.

“No. Face me, Lina. Focus. Doesn’t matter what they’re doing. They’re nothing. Nobody.”

I focused on my right hand so close to his. The silver. The emblem. The strength it meant. I was strong. “Wonder twin…” deep breath. “Powers…” deep exhale. “Activate.”

Hunter smiled. “So, it’s not P!nk songs anymore?”

“This works…better.” I blew out another long breath. But now it also hurt more. Because he’d lied.

“Nicely done,” Mom said. “That was a whopper.” She scowled at Marshal. “You and your grunts didn’t help things by barging in and boxing her into that elevator.”

I saw a flare of rage swarm over his mom’s normally bright, calm eyes. Yeah, Hunter didn’t get his temper from only his dad. His mom was a tough little thing, too.

“The floor is secure, sir,” a guy said from behind Hunter, but I couldn’t see him. Didn’t want to, either. Damn black clothing. Some wore fatigues, others wore suits. What the hell was going on?

“Forty-two minutes to exit.” Marshal nailed Hunter with a stare so sharp it would have sliced through leather like butter. “We need to leave.”

“Hunter. I…can’t. I—”

“Shhh,” he said standing up and taking my hand. “I told you Marshal, we’re not going. You said yourself this place was secure.”

I couldn’t leave. Hell, I’d made it to only a block before the campus. Tomorrow was going to be the day I made it all the way. Maybe even a step inside the library. I couldn’t go somewhere with these…strangers.

Even Hunter was a stranger to me right now. I thought he’d told me everything about his life. I knew about his dad and how dangerous he was and how he’d chased Lisa and Hunter from town-to-town over the years. But to never tell me they were in witness protection.

Wait…was Hunter even his real name? My stomach clenched at the thought.Oh, God. I needed to get home. Into my house. My space. I—shit!

Marshal’s eyes ping-ponged between Lisa and Hunter. “Mom, you agree?”

“Hunter stays. I go.”

“That’s not going to happen.” Hunter reached for her as he held me, but I pulled my hand out from his. “We’re together.”

“It’s not up for discussion.” She nodded to Marshal. “I’m packed. One bag on the bed.”

Marshal waved a soldier to go get it, then stepped back to the door as if he knew Mom and Hunter were going to have words.

She looked from me to Hunter, then back to me. “It’s me Christopher wants. If I’m apart from you, then you two are safe.”

“No,” Hunter said.

“It’s only until they catch him. One person in a safe house, that’s better. Easier to guard.” She glanced at Marshal. “We’ve already discussed it.”

“What?” Hunter said. “No!”

“I knew you’d object so Marshal and I worked it out ahead of time. It’s already done. Even you won’t know the location. He’ll find it and come after me. We’ll be ready.” She glanced at me.

“I will not have you as bait.” Hunter’s voice rattled, almost sounding like he was growling.

She grabbed Hunter’s hand and mine. “It won’t be long. Marshal will stay in touch.”

“But—” Hunter shook his head. “Mom. I…don’t know what to do.”

“Nothing. You’ll live your life…with a few guards for a while, but you’ll keep moving. We’re going to grab your dad before graduation, and I’ll be back in time to see your walk-through ceremonies. I promise.”
