Page 109 of Limitless

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“You can’t make promises like that,” he said.

“Then I’ll make it,” Marshal said, stepping beside Mom. He put his arm around her shoulder and nodded. “I’ll make it, so she doesn’t have to worry about Christopher again.”

I wasn’t sure if Hunter saw it, but I did, Marshal cared for Lisa…and more than as a client.

Mind whirling, I stepped away from Hunter and Lisa. Pressure bloomed along my chest and around my heart. It’d broken a little finding out Hunter had lied. He’d dragged me into something so much bigger than he’d alluded to.

“I…need to…go,” I said between shallow breaths.

Hunter reached for me, but I flinched out of range. “Lina, please—”

“I’ll take her,” Lisa said, nodding me to the door. She didn’t try to touch me, so she must have seen my confusion. My anger. I hated that feeling. It was dark and depressing. For so long I’d been angry with my attackers—witheverything. I’d been locked in depression and darkness, and believe it or not, I felt it creeping back into my chest like a fifteen-pound weight.

“Lina, wait. I—”

“Back off, Hunter.” His mom waved him back and gave him a stern glare. He stopped, his eyebrows furrowed and watched me.

I turned around and ran toward the door. The gun-toting guys dodged out of my way, and I blasted around the corner toward my apartment. My sanctuary. Just a few more steps, and I’d be able to breathe again. To see straight.

Hopefully. Hunter had shattered my door. What if this place wasn’t safe for me anymore? Hunter’s mom followed me through the broken door but paused. “Jonsey. Get a door up here now. Three locks and three chains. Make it happen five minutes ago.”

My heart calmed a notch as I stood in my familiar space. I took in a deep breath and caught Hunter’s scent. He’d been here last night as I taught him how to cook lasagna. There was still a fresh scent of food, his cologne and candy corn sugar. He rarely came over without bringing a bag of candy.

“Honey?” Lisa’s voice was quiet, but close.

I whirled around, fighting the sting in my eyes. She didn’t need to deal with my psychosis when her psychotic ex-husband was after her. “I’m okay.”

“No, you’re not.” She reached for me, but I stepped back. “He was going to tell you tonight. Tell you everything.”

My stomach soured, and it felt like I had a weight on my chest.

“I’m sorry, Angelina. I know Hunter hates that you’re dragged into this danger now. Feels responsible.”

“He is,” I whispered. “He should have told me.” Not that the knowledge could have shut off my feelings for him, but still. Starting a relationship with lies?

He’d doomed us from the minute he chose not to be honest.

“We’ve kept our secret for so long, and this was the first time he’d everwantedto tell someone, to break our cover.” She grinned. “For you.”

“He lied. He—is his real name even Hunter?”

Her face went pale, and she looked to the side.

“Oh my God. I don’t even know his real name.” I backed away. “Or yours, do I?”

“Angelina, wait.” She stepped toward me. “You have to understand. He couldn’t—”

“Please leave.” I stepped toward my desk and grabbed my iPad. I needed to talk to Lizzie. Maybe even Jenna after the crap that’d just gone down. My room would be safe. I had locks on that door. “Please, Lisa. This is…my space. My haven. Don’t ruin that for me more than Hunter already has.”

She stopped. “Angelina.”

I shook my head as I started for my bedroom. “Just go. Go!”

Silence hung heavy for a few minutes before I heard shuffling. “I’ll have a door here for you in less than an hour. Four guards are here for you, backs to your door, until that happens. They won’t take a step inside. You’ll be safe.”

The tenderness in her voice wasn’t lost on me despite my anger and my fear. She really did care and want me safe. I had no doubt Hunter did, too, but how was I going to get past the lies?

How was I ever going to feel safe again?
