Page 14 of Limitless

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“Hell yeah,” Lizzie said. “I want to kick ass like some of these guys.”

“But no one is as kick ass as Lara Croft,” I said as I popped three pieces of candy corn in my mouth.

“Oh, now it makes sense,” Hunter grinned.


“Your avatar. She’s got a mean left hook.”

“Like I said…kick ass chick right there.” I pumped my fist. If only I was a fraction as brave as her. If only I’d had some of her skill, I wouldn’t have—no. Not going there.

“I can teach you some of those moves,” Hunter said.

I nestled into my couch, relaxing into the soft cushions. “You know martial arts?”

He nodded, sinking into his pillow as well. “I teach it down at Arrowhead Fitness Tuesdays and Thursdays.”

“Cool. Are you a black belt?” Lizzie asked.

“Not officially. Never tested.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“Moved around a lot, couldn’t commit to formal training.” He shifted and cleared this throat. “But I think I’d pass if I did.”

“Hell yeah. You’re strong,” Lizzie said. “Oh, did you see that?” She pointed to her TV. “That shit is sweet!”

Hunter and I both laughed at that one. No one liked violence more than Lizzie. At least in the movies. I mostly liked the ones who used their power to protect people. Like I wished I could.

“So, you teach self-defense?”

He nodded.

“It figures with the way you took care of me, but you weren’t coming back from a class when you found me.”


“Hmmm, that late? Let me guess…” I tapped my finger to my lip. Could be something medical coming off a late shift. Or… “You’re a bouncer.”

“How in thehelldid you know that?”

“Lucky guess.”

“I tend bar a little, too. When I’m not in school.”


“Yeah. By the end of the year, I should have enough credits to graduate. You?”


“You at the State campus? I’ve never seen you there.”

“Technically, yes, I take classes there. But I remote in and attend the classes via video feed.” I didn’t want to go into how I’d gotten those favors with him right now, so I changed the focus back to him. “What’s your degree?”

“Criminal psychology.”

That sent a shiver down my spine at the thought of the creeps he’d be dealing with. “How’d you get into that?”
