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The memory of what he’d been dreaming returned to him, and he groaned as he fell back into his pillows.

Am I to have no peace from these thoughts?

It was a bitter irony to realize the situation was of his own making. Somewhat more sober and freed from the aggravation of his mother’s lectures and the public eye, he was beginning to wonder what had possessed him.

Proposing marriage to a servant, of all things. What had he been thinking?

He’d been thinking of annoying his mother by choosing the most unsuitable prospect possible in the room and vaguely contemplating a little bit of fun with his mother’s feisty little maid, who had more spirit than he’d ever credited her with.

He grimaced and rolled to one side, gazing across the dim moonlit expanse of his bed.

Little Nora, fire in her eyes, half undressed and defiant as always, dark hair glittering with barely seen luster against his sheets. Beautiful and tantalizing as a forbidden fruit. He leaned in, taking in every glitter in those snapping eyes and the firm set of the rosebud mouth.

He leaned in, closer and closer, seeing if she would fight him or yield to him, wondering if it would be the pliant ease of the mild maid he’d thought her or if it would be the spark of the woman who’d stood up to him at every turn and ensnared his interest.

He leaned in…

And promptly jerked awake as his nose planted into a pillow and momentarily suffocated him.

With a groan of frustration, he rolled up into a sitting position, shoving his feet into his house shoes and tugging on his night robe as he rose. It was clear he would get very little, if any, sleep.

He sighed as he made his way to the window, scrubbing his hand through his tousled and slightly sweaty hair. There was an uncomfortable hardness still in his groin, but the cool air eased the problem somewhat. It did nothing, however, to quell the feverish pulse of his thoughts.

Was he really planning to pursue the course he had so recklessly set himself upon? If she accepted, would he truly choose to marry Nora?

He had told his friends he was in earnest, but the proposal had been a mad impulse, and the aftermath had been fairly discouraging.

Nora. Fiery Nora. Intelligent. Educated and even aware of the latest novels.

And his mother approved, which was the last thing he’d anticipated.

He groaned again.

His musings were interrupted by a brisk knock on his door, and he opened it to find Bradstone in a night robe and holding a single missive. “A letter for you, Your Grace.”

At this hour? He took the letter and gestured for Bradstone to trim up and replenish his lamps for better light to read by. “How did this come?”

“A young lad delivered it to the door. He was most insistent that it be delivered into your hands without delay and to convey that the contents were most urgent and sensitive in nature.”

“Very well. I shall not keep you from what little rest you may gather for the remainder of the night.” He waved Bradstone off, then sat close to one of the lamps to read.

There was no name inscribed on the outer envelope, but the seal was familiar. Norburn.

He broke the seal carefully and tugged the paper free, a smile touching his lips at the sight of the familiar script. The smile faded, however, as he read.

My Dear Arthur,

My dear Arthur.. .but this is the last time I shall call you that either in person or in a missive such as this. Indeed, I rather think that this should be the last missive of a personal nature that we exchange. After all, you have another to engage your interest and your time now, do you not?

Your little maid, Nora. For her sake, as well as yours and my own, it is best if you no longer issue me personal invitations to your home or private missives.

You have made a good choice, I think, but one about which you should exercise discretion and caution. Your little maid is a gentle soul, and she is not of a similar temperament to you and me. She is less enamored of the physical enjoyment of life.

In fact, I daresay she is far purer in every sense than you or I and will require a milder and more gentlemanly handling. So exercise caution and take proper measures to handle her with the respect she deserves.

I have enjoyed our little liaisons, Bedford, but it is time for you to see to the matters of your family and time for me to find other amusements.

I wish you all the luck in your personal and public endeavors and look forward to receiving the invitation to your wedding, which I do hope will arrive sooner rather than later.
