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With Utmost Sincerity and Heartfelt Congratulations,

Miss Annabelle Norburn

He read the letter twice through, then folded it over and set it to one side. He would need to dispose of it later for discretionary purposes, but he had other things to think on.

He had no doubt that Annabelle was correct in her assessment of Nora’s character. Such a fierce and defiant spark, such a steadfast unwillingness to be tempted or seduced... well, she certainly held his reputation and her knowledge of his previous trysts against him. Why would she be so defensive and so offended if she had indulged in such herself?

She had not struck him as still being a virgin. Certainly, it was not simple maidenly modesty that made her so fiercely opposed to him.

Perhaps Annabelle was correct in her assessment of the little maid. Mayhap hers was a purity of heart, honor, and intentions that she knew quite well he did not share. In which case, it was highly unlikely that she would choose to accept his suit. And that would solve his own concerns regarding the whole matter.


He scrubbed his hand through his hair, reminded again of his thoughts regarding the girl over the past month and the dreams that had plagued him for the entire night.


She was small but beautiful, even in her modest maid’s uniform. He could scarce imagine what she would look like in one of the fashionable dresses of the ton.

She also had a keen wit and a temper like the embers in the base of a banked fire. Seemingly cold and lifeless but stir her up and she’d blaze hot and bright.

Arthur scowled and crumpled the letter in his hand.

Pretty and spirited and witty Nora might be, but she was no member of Society. And given her contempt of him, so plainly voiced earlier in the evening, he had his doubts that she’d accept his offer anyway. His mother could hardly blame him if the girl refused him. Or she might, given she’d refuse because of him.

And then he might get on with his life as he pleased. At the very least, there would be no pressure for him to court another, not while this little incident was fresh in the scandal sheets and the gossip columns.

Yes, it was likely, and ideal all around, if Nora simply refused his suit and returned to her duties. Or perhaps, he could have her sent to the country seat or offer her services to another household. Annabelle seemed quite taken with her, though he could hardly say why. Perhaps she would welcome a new maid of Nora’s temperament.

Yes, that was all undoubtedly for the best.

Why, then, do these thoughts fill my mind and spirit with a weight like cold ashes, unable to burn?

And why, why did remembering her contemptuous description of him sting like a blow across the face? Why did the idea of her rejection make him feel so much worse than any scolding his mother could ever deliver?



Scarlett pursed her lips. “Well, now there’s something you don’t see every day. Have you seen the scandal sheets, Nora?” She tipped her head up, far too chipper for someone who worked long nights, in Nora’s opinion.

Nora kept her attention firmly on the milk she was heating in a battered saucepan for Lydia. She didn’t want to get it too hot, and if she wasn’t careful, she would scorch it. Four years of frugality had taught her a distinct dislike of wasting resources in such a fashion. She answered without looking. “I have not. What does it say?”

Best to know the worst of it now.

There was a rustle of paper as Scarlett unfolded the scandal sheets and settled them back on the table before beginning to read aloud in her smooth, throaty voice.

This past evening, members of Society gathered for the birthday ball of the Dowager Bedford, widowed two years past and residing with her son, Lord Arthur Russel, the current Duke of Bedford.

Duke Bedford has long been an object of speculation among the ton, particularly regarding his romantic inclinations. For two Seasons, the Duke has been linked with numerous ladies, yet none managed to entice this wayward gentleman into a more permanent situation. Many have wondered, what fortunate lady would catch the roving eye of one of Society’s newest eligible bachelors?

The answer—None! In a scandalous turn of events, the Duke publicly offered his hand, and supposedly his heart, to none other than his mother’s serving maid!

He was even heard speaking poetry and quoting literature to the maid who, rumor has it, fled the ball in embarrassment at his admittedly brash behavior.

The Dowager Bedford has since given her public approval for the match, though that likely does little to soothe the broken hearts of the many young ladies with whom the Duke has dallied, who hoped to one day obtain the title of Duchess.

And then there is the maid, who did not ease anyone’s mind, least of all the Duke’s, with her failure to provide an answer to his suit. One must wonder what conversations will happen behind closed doors, and what outcome they will have.
