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Arthur’s ruse would give her back her reputation.

She swallowed against the sting of tears in her eyes. “Arthur... you…”

“I will be there for you and do whatever I can for you, even if you never consent to grant me another chance to make my suit.”

“You mean that?” Her heart felt as if it would be torn in two, between hope and fear.

“With all my heart.” He smiled softly and lifted one hand to stroke over her cheek. “All my heart, though I own it seems strange to say so since my heart has long since been given to you and shall be yours forevermore.”

Hope won. So did the tears, spilling over her eyes to run down her cheeks, though they did nothing to stop her answering smile.

It took a moment to find the words and force them past the tightness of her throat, but she did, leaning up to whisper into his ear. “’Tis a good pair we make then, Your Grace, for I feel you have bewitched me, body and soul.”

Arthur laughed, a deep and rich sound full of joy. “Nora…”

They were both interrupted by the tug of a small hand. Nora looked down.

She and Arthur had entirely failed to notice the arrival of Aunt Evelyn, Lydia, and Garner with the tea tray. She blushed and smiled at her daughter. “Yes, darling?”

“Mama sad?”

“No, darling. I am very happy because Arthur has come to tell me some good news. Would you like him to tell you?”

“Yes, please.”

She and Arthur exchanged a quick glance, then he stooped and held his hands out. Lydia went to him after a quick glance to her for permission, and he scooped her into his arms, rising to settle the child on his hip, quite as if he’d been doing it all his life.

“I came to tell your mother that I want her and you to come home with me.”

“To a big house, like Mama goes to when she works?” Lydia’s eyes brightened with interest.

Arthur chuckled. “Yes, my dear. To a house exactly like that. And your mother will not have to leave to work anymore. She and you and I will all live in my house, and she will be able to stay with you as much as she likes.”

“And Auntie Scarlett? And Auntie Evelyn?”

Arthur gave her another look, then glanced at Aunt Evelyn. “Well, I think your Aunt Evelyn might want to stay in her own house. But she may certainly visit whenever she wishes, and we might visit her. As for your Auntie Scarlett... I would have to ask her, but if she wanted to come live with us, I think it could be arranged.”



Lydia promptly wiggled around in Arthur’s grip to look at her, her tiny face shining with happiness. “Mama, can we go with Arthur?”

Arthur held out his free hand. Nora took it, smiling as she reached up to brush her hand over Lydia’s dark locks. “Yes, darling. We can... we will be returning to London with Arthur.”


The hours that followed felt like a dream for Nora. It seemed impossible that only a day ago, she had arrived in Bath, hopeless and heartsick, wondering what she would do after losing both her situation and the man she loved.

Now Arthur was here. He loved her enough to find her despite the long journey. He and Lydia were already on their way to becoming close as any parent and child might wish to be, for all that they had not known each other even a full day.

Aunt Evelyn was supportive as well, once she and Arthur had explained the entire story over tea and biscuits. She had listened, scolded Arthur for being foolish, Nora herself for being so distrusting, and used invective regarding Heir Huxley that Nora suspected would have earned scandalized looks from many ladies of thetonand possibly some of the gentlemen with more delicate constitutions.

The full story was finally told. She had encouraged all of them to stay the night and wait until the following morning to begin the journey back to London. She was quick to point out that they would be staying in separate bedrooms under her roof, something that caused Arthur to grimace faintly, though he took it in good humor.

Garner was sent to make a room ready for Arthur and to inform his coachman to stable the horses for the evening. The cook was informed of a guest for dinner and supper.

Arrangements made, they were free to sit together and speak, with Aunt Evelyn as a discreet chaperone and Lydia playing happily nearby.
