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The quiet companionship gave her the chance to ask the question that had lingered in her mind ever since she’d first realized Arthur was truly in Bath. “How did you find me?”

Arthur laughed. “Mother reminded me that our driver would know where you lived. When I arrived, I met Scarlett, and she told me where you had gone.” Arthur smiled ruefully. “She is quite protective of you. She is your sister?”

Nora felt herself blushing. “Not by blood. But she is a sister to me in every other way. A sister of my heart, though no physical relation.”

“She is a good sister. You have known each other a long time?”

“We became friends in the months before Lydia was born.” Nora took a deep breath, preparing to share the story for the first time. “When I came to London, I was alone. I had no friends, no relations, and few prospects that I could turn to. I was desperately afraid. I found myself on a corner in the rain one night, near despair. And then Scarlett came.” She smiled at the memory. “She offered her umbrella, and her home and we have been close ever since.”

“I am glad you found such a true friend, though I am sorry for your troubles.” Arthur hesitated a moment. “Your family... Huxley told me you were in fact, a lady of theton…?”

Nora flushed, this time with shame and the pain of the memory. Arthur embraced her, his arms warm and comforting. “You need not tell me if you do not wish to. I know you are estranged…”

“Disowned, in truth. My father disowned me when I discovered I was with child and when I refused to give up Lydia or marry his widower friend to try and hide the illegitimacy of the child.”

Arthur’s embrace tightened. “I will admit I am selfish, for I am glad you refused both. I would not have met you otherwise, and my life should be poorer for your absence.” He paused. “Even so, I should like to know your family, if only for the sake of observing the formalities.”

“Beaumont. My surname was Beaumont.”

“Beaumont…” Arthur spoke the word slowly. “I confess, I have no recollection of the name.”

“It is unlikely that you should. Our family are country lords of moderate means, and my father much prefers the family to remain on our family estate. My sisters and I attended the Season in Bath with my Aunt Evelyn for our debutante years, and my sisters... they are much like my father. They attended the Season to secure themselves husbands among the less outgoing members of the ton, and then followed their husbands in a more retiring lifestyle.”

There was a lump in her throat as she continued. “I have not spoken with either of them, not even by letter since I was disowned. I did not want to risk their reputations or the ire of their husbands. I may have nieces and nephews I know nothing of.”

“Perhaps it is something we may discover together.” Arthur’s quiet words were a balm to wounds she had long tried not to think about, and she leaned against his supportive shoulder.

“Thank you.” She breathed.

“It is the least I would do for you, my darling Nora.” Arthur leaned in and offered her a chaste and tender kiss.

Which brought another thought to mind. “You told Lydia that Scarlett might come live with us. But how…?”

Arthur gave her a boyish grin. “Well, my mother shall need another maid to replace you in her employ. But aside from that, our daughter and any future children we have shall need a caretaker. A nanny and a governess. I rather think your heart-sister would do an admirable job in any position she might choose to accept. And, of course, she would be permitted her choice of quarters in the family wing or in the servant’s quarters.”

Our daughter…

The words filled her with warmth and joy she did not think would ever fade.

I do not think I shall have any trouble with those ‘other children’ either.

* * *

After the household had retired for the evening and the sounds of the servants completing their duties had long since passed, Nora slipped out of bed and tugged her robe on. She lit a candle and snuck out of her room to quietly tiptoe down the hall. When she reached the last door, she paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and knocked softly before she could change her mind.

Arthur swung the door opened almost immediately as if he was standing right in front of the portal, and Nora's breath caught in her chest. He was illuminated from behind by a dim bedside lamp and from the front by her meager candlelight. His hair was lightly tousled like he had been running his fingers through it. He had discarded his jacket, waistcoat, boots, and cravat and stood before her barefoot in just his breeches and shirtsleeves. The linen shirt was open at the throat, revealing a triangle of his chest. He looked like a disheveled angel.

Nora took a breath to speak, but before she could, Arthur reached out and grasped her hand, tugging her inside his room and closing the door behind them. Then he swung her around and backed her against the door, sliding his body flush against hers from chest to hip. Nora's breath was stolen again when he leaned down and set his lips to hers in a searing kiss that curled her toes.

The kiss seemed to go on for eons before Arthur pulled away, his breath as ragged as hers. He smiled at her and then took the candleholder she still limply grasped in her fingers and set it on a nearby table before turning back to her and sweeping her into his arms. He walked her to his bed and placed her gently in the center before moving over her. She instinctively widened her legs to cradle his hips and reached up to draw his head down to hers.

Arthur captured her mouth in another passionate kiss as Nora tangled her fingers in the soft hair at the nape of his neck. One of his hands kept some of his weight off of her lest he crush her, while the other snaked down from her shoulder to gently cup her breast. Nora moaned softly as his thumb teased her nipple. The sweet sensation went straight to her core, and she shifted her hips to rub against the hard arousal encased in his breeches.

The movement caused Arthur to still, and with a pained growl, he gave her one last kiss, then shifted and abruptly stood up, moving away from the bed to stand by the mantle with his back to her.

Nora instantly felt the loss of his warmth and opened her eyes in confusion. "Arthur, why did you stop?" she asked, uncertainty causing her voice to quiver slightly. "I thought… I thought that you wanted me."

Arthur turned and saw the stricken look on her face. "Oh, Nora," he said as he walked back to the bed. She had sat up, and he took her hand and drew her to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and tucked her head underneath his chin. She melted into his embrace for a moment before pulling back and looking into his eyes; the vulnerability on her face caused a pang in his heart.
