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Arthur sighed and rolled his shoulders, easing the stiffness of them and shaking out his hands as he rose to stretch his legs.

He had not imagined there would be so much involved in a wedding. The experience of planning had reminded him why he had always let his mother do the majority of the organizing for the few events hosted at their home. There were so many details to be looked after or looked into.

The banns had been read the previous day, and the Society pages were full of the story. Nora, still unused to the attention, had withdrawn with her daughter and Scarlett—the new governess—for the day.

Arthur paced the confines of his office, stretching as he considered the progression of the planning. Most of the plans had been made, and it only remained to gather the appropriate materials and implement them.

The seamstress had been brought in twice to arrange for the necessary clothing for a Duchess, including the dress Nora would wear for the wedding itself. He only knew the color, a soft green with golden and blue highlights, and knew that his own tailor could take them into account when making up his wedding suit.

The message had been sent to the staff of the country estate, telling them to expect their arrival on the afternoon of the wedding day.

The services of the rector had been secured, and the basics of the ceremony planned, including who would give Nora away should her family elect to refuse a reconciliation. After some consideration, they had agreed that, under those circumstances, her aunt was the better choice.

His musings were interrupted by Bradstone, bearing a thick envelope. “A message for you, Your Grace.”

He took it, frowning at the unfamiliar seal. He waved Bradstone off, then broke the seal with cautious fingers.

Inside the envelope, there were two items. One was a folded missive marked with his name. The other was a folded missive marked simply ‘Eleonora.’

He set the one with Nora’s name aside and unfolded the other.

To Lord Arthur Russell

The Duke of Bedford,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I must confess, I was most surprised to receive a letter from an individual such as yourself and even more surprised when I read the contents of said correspondence. That you should wish to take my former daughter as your wife, even knowing her history was indeed unexpected news. That you should be willing to take her child in as your own as well... well, I will say no more of that matter.

I shall be frank. When I cast Eleonora from the family, I thought that she would return soon after, repentant and ready to be an obedient daughter. It has long filled my heart with bitterness that she should continue her wayward behaviors.

Nonetheless, she cannot have done too poorly if she has managed to secure the attentions of an honorable and upstanding member of Society such as yourself.

So I have determined that if it is truly your intention to make Eleonora an honorable and honest woman, then I am open to a reconciliation with her. Such reconciliation will please her mother, who has long wished to be reunited with Eleonora, and to meet her grandchild.

With that in mind, I ask permission to call upon your residence in three days, myself and my wife, to see if such is possible. The outcome of that meeting will determine whether or not my family shall attend the wedding.

In anticipation of your response, my wife and I have taken lodgings at our London residence, the address of which you will find on the back of this message.

At her insistence, I have included a letter from my wife to Eleonora. I trust you will see that she receives it.

Respectfully Yours.

Lord Nelson Beaumont

Arthur read through the letter twice, absorbing the contents. On one hand, he was pleased that Lord Beaumont was open to reconciling with Nora. He knew it would please her.

On the other hand, the words written on the paper were a stark representation of why Scarlett had advised him to keep an eye on the man. They were courteous enough on the surface of them, but there was a coldness to them that he rather thought would break Nora’s heart.

He picked up the second letter to take with him, hoping its contents were kinder than the one he had just read and left the study to find Nora.

He found her in the newly established nursery with Lydia and Scarlett, the three of them playing a game he didn’t recognize. He watched them for a moment, then gently cleared his throat.

All three of them looked up, and Lydia bounded to her feet. “Arthur!” She trotted over for a hug, which he was glad to return.

Nora followed moments later, brushing her skirts straight. “Arthur. I thought you were working in your study this morning.”
