Page 15 of Soul of a Man

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Cara hesitated, but spoke truthfully, “Because my body has not yet adjusted to its new environment.”

“New environment?”

Cara nodded her head. “Where I come from, bodies do not feel heat or cold. Our body temperatures are constant.”

“What are you, an alien or one of the loonies who believes they were abducted then returned by aliens?”

“I am not an alien, nor have I ever met one. I can guarantee they do not exist.”

“Not that I’m disagreeing with you or anything, and I’m sincerely grateful that you have no relationship with one, but how can you guarantee they don’t exist? Even scientists don’t agree on that one.”

“Because I know every creature known and unknown ever created.”

“You do? And how is that possible?”

Cara didn’t miss that his voice had changed its tone, as if he was placating a crazy person. She didn’t appreciate his condescending attitude.

“Because I am a Moirai.” Cara’s own tone had turned smug. She was very proud of her heritage.

“Exactly what is a Moirai?” Again with the attitude. It was seriously beginning to grate on her nerves.

“Have you ever heard of the three fates?” Looking at him, she guessed he hadn’t. “One is present at birth, guiding souls to the correct child’s body. That is my sister, Zerina. Another is present during your life, helping to fight battles along the way, the way they are meant to for the good or bad. That is my sister, Broni.” The whole time she was talking, Cara noticed his hands tightening on the steering wheel.

“And you?”

“I am the third fate. My name is Cara.”

“And what do you do?”

“I cut the thread. I free the soul and escort them to their next life.”

“So you’re a serial killer?”

Aghast, Cara stared at him. “I am responsible for no one’s death. I am only sent for when death is a foregone conclusion.”

“Did you explain this crap to Billy?”

“Yes, I did, and at first, he also did not believe me.”

“But you were eventually able to convince him?”

“Yes, I was.”

“That’s not so surprising. He probably took one look at you and would have believed anything you told him.” Jericho took in her long, straight, black hair; blue eyes; and creamy skin. In her winter coat, she looked like a ski bunny. The boy hadn’t stood a chance against her looks. He would have been putty in her hands. However, Jericho was no boy, and he wasn’t buying a word that came out of those perfect lips.

“He believed me, not only because I spoke the truth, but I had proof.”

“Now you just said something to surprise me. What proof? Show it to me.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not? If you have this proof, why show it to Billy and not me?”

“Because of your soul.”

At this, his whole body tightened. “My soul?”

Now Cara spoke carefully, not wanting to anger him, nor did she know if it was even possible to hurt his feelings. She hated hurting people. She had found that even the toughest souls had a weak spot, and she didn’t want to cause additional harm.
