Page 16 of Soul of a Man

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“Billy’s soul was white, gentle, and kind. He also had a mother who had recently passed. She was still close to him. He knew I spoke the truth when I answered all his questions that only his mother would have known.”

“And my soul?”

When Cara did not answer him, Jericho gave a bitter laugh.

“That’s okay, I can guess. I bet it’s not white. Am I right?”

Cara nodded her head. “It’s black,” she whispered.

“And I take it that’s bad.”

Cara nodded.

“Have you seen many black souls?”


“Why not? I don’t imagine I’m the only one with a black soul.”

“No, you are not, but I don’t see them. They are given a different escort.”

“Dare I ask?”


“As in the Grimm Reaper?”

Cara jumped in her seat when he started laughing.

“Excuse me, but it’s really not funny.” Cara’s eyes darted around, glancing inside and outside the truck. “I wouldn’t laugh. He really, really doesn’t like being laughed at.”

“What are you looking for? Could you see him if he were here?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen any other immortals since my arrival. I don’t know if they are not around or if I just can’t see them.”

“But you could see them before, just not now. What happened?”

“I am now mortal. Someone tried to kill my sisters and me.”

He gave her a hard look before activating his blinker, pulling into the gas station. Without asking her any more questions, he pulled the truck to a stop.

“Do you have any money?”

When she shook her head, he reached into his pocket and pulled out several bills and gave them to her.

“Go inside and call a cab or call someone for a ride. I’m going to grab a few groceries. Be gone when I get back.” He then got out of the truck and walked away without another word.

Chapter 5

Twenty minutes later, it had begun raining as Jericho returned to his truck, finding no sign of Cara, and he was just extremely thankful she was out of his hair. He refused to feel guilt at leaving her behind.

As he was storing his groceries in the back, he double-checked to make sure she hadn’t hidden once again under the tarp.

By the time he was driving away from the gas station, it had started to downpour.

Luckily, he wasn’t far from the turnoff to his house. At this time of year, a heavy downpour such as this could cause flash flooding, and he wanted to make it home before the roads became impassable.

He hadn’t gotten very far when he suddenly had to swerve to miss a figure walking in the road. Cursing, he moved the truck to the edge of the road before stopping.
