Page 5 of Soul of a Man

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“Yes, I dare! I have every right to be furious with you. You tricked me into believing you were Valentine!” Fate yelled, not caring that everyone in the room was listening.

“Fate, you knew within minutes it was me. You simply chose to pretend it was him.”

“I did not, though I should have. He is much better in bed.”

At her snide remark, Odin took a step toward her, determined to throttle her. “I’ll show you who’s better—”

Fate took a step forward, not afraid of the pissed off god. “You will never touch me again. Dare, and I will pay Merlin to turn your dick into a dried up fig, you old …”

All the eyes in the room spun toward Merlin, who turned pale at Odin’s glare.

“I would never,” he squeaked at the thought of Odin’s fury turning toward him. Terror was obvious on the old magician’s lined face.

“Enough!” screamed Mother Nature, her crown slipping sideways on her head.

At her raised voice, Chronos, who had been napping in the chair at her side, oblivious to the arguments going on around him, awoke.

With a jeweled hand, she righted her golden crown while also giving the sisters a reprimanding stare. “I see now why you two don’t have husbands. Who could put up with you hellions for an eternity?”

Both women unrepentantly nodded their heads in agreement.

“You both seek to escape that which you cannot control.” Mother Nature shook her head at her wayward subjects.

Before they could interrupt, she raised her hand with sadness in her eyes. They were her favorites of all the immortals, but their obvious insubordination could no longer be ignored.

Fate and Destiny gave each other worried looks. Mother rarely—if ever—showed her gentle side.

In a gentle voice, Mother continued, “You both are quick to determine other’s futures, but run from your own. Fate, by disobeying me, you have brought about yours and Destiny’s downfall.”

“Me?” Fate gasped. “I didn’t do anything!”

“Yes, Fate, you did. I repeatedly asked you to bring your daughters. In doing so, you would have protected them tonight. Instead, they were left vulnerable to attack. I gave you that which you say you so often give others—a choice. Your sister already knows this, which is why she was late.”

Fate turned toward her sister accusingly. “You betrayed me,” she whispered hoarsely.

“You know I would not.” Hurt, Destiny stepped toward her sister. “I repeatedly told you not to disobey Mother, and while there was still time, I tried to get you to leave the council. You know I could only give you the choice. If I had done any more, I would have lost my powers and been unable to help my nieces when they will need me the most.”

“I must go.” Frantically, Fate headed toward the doorway that would give her back her powers. Perhaps there was still time to fix—

“Fate,” Mother’s voice rang out across the room, but that wasn’t what stopped Fate and had her turning around to face her. It wasn’t her friend and confidant of centuries she faced now, but the chairman of the council.

“You cannot interfere. What has begun cannot be stopped. If you try to intervene, you will lose your powers.” At her obvious pain, Mother’s voice softened. “You must learn as other mothers before you have learned: you can only protect your children for so long. They have to learn to lead their own lives and make their own mistakes. It is the cycle of life. We cannot interfere.”

Fate nodded. “May I please leave now?”

Without waiting for a reply, she again turned toward the doorway. Rushing through it, her powers returned fully. Instantly, she knew what had transpired during her absence.

“She’ll interfere,” Destiny said, unable to hide her fear.

There was no pity on the faces surrounding her. Odin and Rocque were smiling at each other with satisfaction. Destiny had a terrible feeling many had waited for this day to arrive.

“She’ll try.”

Destiny didn’t like the look in Mother’s eyes, and she began trembling when she realized the warning had not been for Fate alone.

Chapter 2

Cara watched the young girl riding the horse recklessly. Adoni was enjoying the freedom she had gained from sneaking away from her mother’s watchful eyes. She had been born sickly, and it had taken all of Broni’s powers to hold Adoni to the life her delicate soul had so often fought to escape. It had not been her time then, though it was now.
