Page 6 of Soul of a Man

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Adoni was fifteen, a young girl just slipping into a womanhood that would never come. That was why Cara was there. She was an escort for souls, leading them to their next life.

Some souls left willingly, eager to leave their bodies, not afraid of the next step. Others fought leaving, not wanting to be separated from loved ones or afraid to face the unknown. It was Cara’s job to escort them through the doorway, to soothe their fears and provide comfort. Death of their physical bodies was just a new beginning.

“Why are you here?”

Cara turned at her sister’s voice.

“You know why I am here, Broni. It is Adoni’s time.”

“No, there is still time to save her.”

Cara was already shaking her head.

“You cannot prevent this, Broni. You cannot save her. The time and place of her death cannot be changed.” Cara reached out to take her sister’s trembling hand. “You have fought and protected her as long as possible. Now you must step aside and let me help her this last time.”

The tears on Broni’s face tore at Cara’s heart. Just once, Cara wished she could change fate, save a soul from death and return empty-handed to the doorway to the afterlife. Cara knew it could never happen, though; she was only called when death was a foregone conclusion.

Their attention was caught as the horse broke stride and stumbled, sending Adoni flying through the air, landing roughly on the hard ground. Without a thought, both women were instantly by her side.

Broni reached out to smooth her hair away from Adoni’s glazed eyes. She couldn’t see either woman, only felt a comforting presence while the initial fear and pain began easing away.

Cara knew all her thoughts and emotions and sent a surge of comfort to the child’s broken body.

“Please don’t let her suffer,” Broni begged Cara.

“You know I would not,” Cara soothed.

Broni looked at her delicate sister whose appearance alone could provide comfort. Her long, black hair, blue eyes, and an air of frailty led one to believe they were seeing an angel. They probably were. Cara was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside.

Her inner beauty gave her a gentleness and purity of spirit that Broni had seen in no other. Broni and Zerina had often said that even angels were jealous of her beauty. They had even wondered if that was why their mother hid them away. Had she been afraid of some of the goddesses’—such as Hera, Venus, and Aphrodite—petty jealousies?

Broni shrugged her shoulders. Who knew why their mother did the things she did?

Cara’s physical appearance became ethereal as Adoni’s spirit joined her.

Broni could not see Adoni; only Cara could see a soul before they crossed through the doorway to the afterlife.

Broni looked at the lifeless body and could no longer hold back her tears. Adoni had held a special place in her heart. She had fought many battles on her behalf.

Cara felt her other sister’s presence mere seconds before her arrival. Zerina always knew when one of her sisters needed her.

When Broni felt her sister’s touch, she turned into her warm embrace.

“Broni, you know you will see her again,” Zerina comforted.

Broni nodded. “I don’t know why I’m crying.”

“Because your part in her life is at an end. She no longer needs you to fight for her, and that is hard for you. I feel your sadness. I was part of her birth, saw life enter her, and it was with sadness that I saw this happening, but we can do nothing other than assist. We cannot interfere.”

Both women watched as Cara spoke to the little spirit, though neither could hear her words.

Zerina made an offer she had never made before. “Would you like to help escort her?”

“How is that possible?” Broni questioned.

“With Cara’s help, we can travel with her to the doorway. Mother is at the council, so she wouldn’t know until her return.”

Broni smiled. Zerina was always trying to please those she loved. She was the most powerful of the three and often not able to show emotion at the decisions her job demanded.
