Page 7 of Soul of a Man

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Zerina’s gift was to find the right spirit for their physical forms. Present at the birth of each child, she often had to make decisions Broni didn’t know if she could make, especially if the soul would be entering a home where it would not be properly loved or cared for. Zerina often said those required stronger souls because they had to survive despite those hardships.

Cara turned and held out her hand, and Broni took it, instantly becoming ethereal. She then realized Zerina was holding her other hand. Linked, they were able to see Adoni’s spirit.

“Are you angels, too?”

“We are not angels; we are Moirai.”

“Moirai?” Adoni questioned.

“We are your guides through life. Zerina was with you at your birth, Broni helped and protected you through your physical life, and I am Cara. I am here to help you to your afterlife.”

“Am I being punished for disobeying my mother? She told me I was never to ride alone, but it was such a beautiful day I couldn’t resist.”

“It had nothing to do with you disobeying your mother. It is time for your beautiful spirit to move forward to a new life. Do you remember when you and your mother moved to a new village? How frightened you were? How much you came to love your new home?”

“Yes, but my mother was there,” Adoni whispered.

“Your mother can not be with you yet; it is not her time. When it is, you can greet her, and she will not be as frightened. You will be able to introduce her to all your new friends. But this time, you must be brave on your own, Adoni. I promise you have nothing to fear.” Cara read her thoughts. “Broni will look out for your mother, as she has protected you.”

Broni spoke up, “I have been by your side during your many illnesses. The night you escaped the fire that burned down your home, I made sure you awakened in time to escape. I give you my word; I will protect your mother.”

Reassured, Adoni turned to Cara. “I’m ready.”

Cara and the others slowly began to slip away, carried by what seemed like rushing wind but was not. Movement became nothing more than a moment in time until it seemed as if they were walking across the sky itself with bright stars surrounding them.

Broni understood now why souls could become lost. There were so many directions and bright lights glittering in the darkness. The vastness of it all would have been overwhelming without Cara’s help.

Without hesitation, Cara guided them through the darkness, leading them to a destination that only she knew.

Adoni suddenly tried to break free and move toward one particularly bright light, but Cara tightened her grip on the girl, moving her forward.

“That doorway is not yours, Adoni.”

“But I want to go there. It’s so beautiful.” Adoni became petulant. Being young, she was attracted to the beautiful doorway.

“It is, but yours is just as beautiful.” Cara inexorably moved the girl forward. It was as if there was a path only she could see.

Suddenly, a bright light was before them. Cara stopped before they came within touching distance, mere inches away.

“It’s not as large as the other one.” Disappointment and fear were the emotions Cara sensed within Adoni, as well as something Cara couldn’t quite put her finger on.

“Darling, the size doesn’t matter, only what is inside. Your doorway is just different than the other, not better or worse.”

Adoni nodded, relieved. “Will I see you again?”

Cara turned and looked into the bright light, studying it for several minutes. “Yes, you will see us again and soon.”

Cara tried to hide the apprehension she was feeling from the girl, but Zerina and Broni knew something was wrong.

“Go, Adoni. My sisters and I must leave, and I want you safe before we go.”

Zerina and Broni began to feel a disturbance around them. Broni’s instinct to protect Adoni again flared within her, but she was unable to move, holding each sister by the hand. If she released Cara, she and Zerina would be lost in the dark maze, and then, if she released Zerina, she would be lost alone.

Cara pushed Adoni toward the light, and as soon as she entered it, she disappeared. Cara then turned toward her sisters. Clasping Broni’s hand tighter, she hurried through the darkness.

“Do you feel the disturbance?” Cara spoke quietly.

“Yes, we must hurry. Someone is following us.” Broni kept her voice firm, not wanting her sisters to feel her impending sense of doom. Her feelings were never wrong; they had saved more than one soul.
