Page 103 of Grey

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He immediately jumped to his feet, crowding my space, looking as frustrated as ever. “It took me a few hours to fight off this need to see you, and you want me to leave?”

He had been fighting it off… He had lusted after me for so long, how had I thought he could simply forget the fact I was in the same city as him without having him wanting to nail me whenever he could? It was all he wanted… All he ever thought I could ever be was his plaything. It was one thing to know that the man you were completely crazy about lusted after you, but it was another thing when you knew that was all you would ever be in his eyes. A plaything.

“Yes, Greyson! You. Need. To. Leave!”

His eyes darkened as he kept still, his eyes sharp and still before he let his gaze drop and heatedly lingered on my bare thighs and back into my eyes again. “Why are you wearing my shirt?”

Fuck. His question threw me off. I hadn’t realized that I was wearing one of his. I used to smuggle a lot of them before heading back to my room after having sex with him in his pool house. I loved wearing them. They made me feel closer to him. But there was this one particular shirt that had his cologne where I asked him to take it off and set it aside for me so I could inhale his scent whenever I missed him and he wasn’t around. He was staring right at that particular shirt, probably wondering what I was doing with it on after I had walked away from him earlier.

I could just play it off coolly and act as if it meant nothing. After all, I had a few of Liam’s, but it wasn’t for sentimental purposes, more for comfort.

Giving him a steady look, I tried to brush it off. “It’s comfortable to sleep in…” I nervously licked my lips as he came closer.

His sight dropped on my heaving breasts before he licked his bottom lip, rasping out his next question, “Do you often sleep in it?”

“Yes…” I responded reluctantly. Where was he going with this? It was only a shirt. “It only happens when I don’t have anything to wear to sleep—”

Desire immediately snapped to anger, looking like he was about to pounce on me before asking something I hadn’t expected to come out of his mouth. “Have you fucked Liam while wearingmyshirt?”

What kind of man was he to ask such a personal question? How was I to know if I had or hadn’t? I mean, I slept with this shirt about once a week, and Liam and I had been inseparable after that night we had mated in his Range Rover. So what were the chances of it happening? A whole lot.

“I’m not sure…” I shouldn’t be nervous because I had nothing to hide from him, but his eyes and how cagey he was acting made me anxious, as if my answer would set him off like a rocket ready to launch into outer space.

His nostrils flared as he stepped closer in a slow, pin-dropping pace that made me hear everything that was going on inside my body. He didn’t halt until our noses touched as he drilled his question into me. “You’re not sure?” he hissed in a whispered manner. “How. Can. You. Not. Know?”

My hand shook as I reached out to touch his chest, hoping to calm him down, however the second my hand touched his chest over his shirt, I felt his heart galloping at the same rate as mine. Even when I shouldn’t notice, even in my jumbled state of mind, it never ceased to escape me how good he looked or that he probably was the most beautiful thing I had ever set my eyes on.

“Grey,” I whispered, wanting to kiss him as I angled my lips closer to his.

When my bottom lip touched his, I closed my eyes, hoping he’d kiss me. Yet, he remained still, angry and simmering in his own fume of hate. And in that instant, I realized that, no matter how much I loved him, there wouldn’t be any amount of love I could shower him with that would make him feel the same towards me. So, placating my heart and my body’s need would only further my endangerment of never recovering from him.

Looking at my hand, I took a second or two to remember how his heart felt beating against my palm before I slowly slid it off his chest and retracted it, squeezing and flexing it shut. Then I recalled how he had cussed right after he came inside me, regretting ever touching me in the first place.

Sixty seconds was all it took me to look him in the eye again, pleading for him to listen. “You need to leave.”

“Why won’t you answer me? If it’s a yes, then it’s a yes! Just own up to it already!” His anger radiated in waves, ticking me off that he wasn’t ready to let it go.

“Why are you being so twisted about it? It’s only a shirt!A shirt—are you fucking high?What the hell is wrong with you? You bash me whenever you can. You push me off then reel me back in. I tell you I love you for the first time and you never say anything. You acted as if it was nothing when it meant every goddamned thing to me! Each time you touch me, you regret doing it.” I shot my words into his face.

Exhausted. Beaten emotionally and mentally. There was nothing left of me to keep going. I had accepted it, so there was no point in torturing each other this way. “I get it, Grey. I truly do. But please, you need to stay away.” I couldn’t look at him, but my tone was enough for him to understand how truly gutted I was inside. “Please… give me time to get over you.”

“I hate you more than I ever hated my mother. But the thought of you wanting to get over me… fucks me up, Olivia. I don’t want to want you—”

“Then don’t!” I insisted, hurting deeply after he exposed how seated and rooted his hate was for me.

There was nothing he loathed more than his own mother. And for him to openly admit that I had unseated that absolutely horrendous woman from her throne made me question what kind of a person I was. Was I that selfish or was it only with Greyson? Did everyone think about me that way? Did my mother ever consider that I was? Did Liam?

“Maybe… maybe moving here was a big mistake.” My past actions were causing my life havoc, and I couldn’t focus on anything that was important. I had to do something or I would never recover from it. “Maybe I’ll move back to Sydney after Mom’s okay… Liam—”Could help me with the school stuff, I meant to add, but Grey quickly interrupted me.

“What?You’re going to hop back in his bed?” he sounded accusing, as if I was cheating on him. Why should it matter to him when he hated me to this magnitude? It baffled me a great deal. Besides, I needed to push him out of my life because he sure didn’t seem like he was in a hurry to leave anytime soon.

If Liam was the ammunition that triggered his rage, then I would add more to set him on fire. “He was the only guy that could make me forget about you—”For a short while, I wanted to add, but Greyson beat the words from my thoughts.

“Do you know how it’s been for me since I saw you getting eaten out by him in your bathroom that night on Christmas Eve?Do you?” He was incensed, shocking me with his revelation as he continued, “And now you tell me that his dick makes you forget about me? Well guess what? I won’t let that happen!”

What?I stared at him in horror.

“You don’t have the right to forget about me. It’s your punishment for walking away from someone who was in love with you since third grade,” he said succinctly. “You’ll marry someone and wish it was me. You’ll have kids with him and wish they were half made of me. You’ll live to grow old, gray and wrinkly, regretting never choosing me.”
