Page 102 of Grey

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Olivia…It called out in a soft whisper.

Olivia…It called on me again as I stared at it, horrified. Petrified of what to do next.

All the pain I had just gone through immediately left as my gaze focused on the daunting scene before me.

Olivia…It whispered to me as I faintly heard a girl’s laughter… a familiar sound that reminded of a time when Mom and Dad used to tickle and shower me with love.

Transfixed, I started to make my way towards it. Each step seemed like I was floating, but I couldn’t be so sure because I couldn’t bring myself to see what I was stepping on.

I was spellbound—hypnotized—by what was taking place as I gathered closer to it. I was halfway there when the casket popped open, making that slow, squeaky, bone-chilling sound. I found it odd, yet I somehow thought that it was welcoming me, like a door that could transport you to a different world.

So I pushed forward, determined.

And when I got to the shiny casket, I gasped as I saw a little girl about seven to eight-years-old that closely resembled me.

Then she opened her glassy eyes, greeting me hello.

It didn’t take a second before I screamed; bellowing to my heart’s content before something hit me on the face, knocking me down as I scrambled to rebalance myself. I was breathing raggedly, and when I opened my eyes, Greyson’s frowning face was looking down at me.

“Grey?” I choked out before I reluctantly reached out to touch his cheeks, making sure he was real.

“Were you having a nightmare? I’m sorry I slapped you, but I tried to shake you a few minutes and you wouldn’t wake up. You were screaming, and it sounded like you were choking…” His hand pressed against my forehead before he cupped my face, looking concerned. “It sounded like you were dying.”

I stared at his mouth as he spoke, mesmerized for a bit as I recalled what had just occurred in my dream.

The dream…I felt chills just thinking about it. Still, it felt so real my heart rate hadn’t recovered yet. It was too disturbing, and not to mention, mind-bending to even think of it, but most of all, I was petrified to even ponder what it all meant.

“Liv?” Greyson’s frown deepened as he watched me with concern.

A black casket… Did that mean I was going to die soon? But didn’t they say your dreams were the opposite of the true outcome? If so, was that an indication I was going to have a new life?

The more Greyson tried to get my attention, the more uncomfortable I became. Even after the hair-raising dream, I wasn’t over what had happened with him hours ago. Besides, what was he doing here anyway? Then I immediately tensed, dawning on the fact thathewas here. In my place.On my bed!

“How in the world did you get in here?” I asked, almost yelling at him. “I double-checked everything before I went to sleep—I made sure…” I trailed off as I recalled how I had made sure everything was locked and secured.

“I have keys,” he reluctantly said before I pushed the covers off my body and slid out of bed, needing space between us.

My body was wired and more awake than mere seconds ago after learning the fact that my privacy had been breached. “How did you get them? From Brett?” Fuck, why would he do that? It wasn’t as if his son and I were the best of friends…

His gaze scanned my body before he gazed into my eyes. “Sort of—”

“Sort of?” I stared at him askance, needing more explanation than that. “What do you mean bysort of?”

He gave me sharp look before he cocked his head to the side then met my eyes again. “I convinced him I should have a copy… for emergencies.”

“What the ever loving fuck?” My eyes popped out of my sockets. “Why would you do that?” The thought of him sharing the key to my place with Edith brought chills to my body.What if…?

What if it was Edith I had woken up to instead of Greyson after having that nightmare? What would’ve happened then? Would she try to kill me in my sleep? I mean, after all, I had dreamt about a black casket.

This time, I was truly frightened of Edith because that bitch wouldn’t stop at anything when it came to Greyson. And in some fucking insane possibility that she’d ever find out about Grey and I having sex not once but twice I would be buried deep in the ground at a moment’s notice.

“Did you tell anyone about having keys to my apartment?” I was starting to stutter as I shivered uncontrollably.I needed…something. What would I do when the time came when Edith found out? I would need to leave. Again. My mind was racing everywhere, imagining places and scenarios… and where I’d run to when I had to leave…

I wished to God I had someone to speak to—someone rational that knew me so well. Someone like Liam.

“And why would I tell anyone that I have your house keys?”

For all sorts of reasons. “Can you please hand me those keys and leave?”

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