Page 108 of Grey

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That truly got my attention. “I’m thinking of dating again, but we shall see. Maybe having some alone time will be beneficial. I’m having second thoughts—nothing alarming—but I might want to change majors, though I’m not sure which one.”

She carefully placed her teacup down on the settee, considering for a moment what I had told her. “It’s not because of Grey, is it?”

I immediately tensed at the sound of his name. “What do you mean, Mom?” Everything was about Greyson. I didn’t want anything—not money, success—none of that. I just wanted him to love me again. I had never felt more rich and happy than when he had loved me unconditionally.

“You still love him. How’s that going for you?” She questioned me in a way that didn’t sound judgmental or disapproving. It felt more like she was concerned about how I was dealing with my heart troubles.

Biting the bottom of my lips, I gave her a shy look as I relaxed because my lip was starting to hurt before I decided to tell her how I felt. “I’m thinking that I may never love another guy the way I love him. I’ve made mistakes, and I will make more in the future, but I wish I could go back and change how I dealt with him before. How I treated him was way more than awful, and I don’t blame him for marrying Edith. She truly does care for him and has never left his side.”

“You may be right about thinking that you won’t ever love another man the way you love him, but I hope this won’t be the case. I’d hate for you to go through that.” She paused, reaching out to hold my hand. “If you fell in love with him, he must’ve done something right. If he said he loved you last year—if what he said was true—then he might still feel the same. It doesn’t matter if it was eight months ago, last week or three days ago—love just doesn’t disappear because of time. Love stays in you, and no matter how you try to name it differently, at the end of the day, it’s still love.”

This was a nice, fanciful thought, but I knew deep down he didn’t. I had thought this through. Because if he truly did, he wouldn’t have left my side the second I got back.

“It’s a one-way street, Mom. But it’s okay. I’ll be okay.”

“Funny how Greyson reminds me so much of his father. If his love is similar to Brett’s… then he might come back to you. They always do. And when they do, there’s no way you’re escaping them. Brett was persistent, but Greyson… that boy will move mountains the second he realizes he wants you in his life.”

Again, it was nice to dream and imagine that day would come, however I didn’t want to argue with Mom. Besides. It wasn’t as if she knew what the heck happened yesterday or the night of Christmas Eve. I had accepted my fate and I needed to just deal with it.

My light brunch with Mom helped my mood a little. Then I drove back to campus, which was about twenty minutes away by freeway from where they lived. It was convenient, yet it gave enough space for everyone to breathe a little.

I had planned a nice, relaxing night while I tried to think about my future when a knock came at the door the moment I was about to take my clothes off to soak in the hot bath.

“Damn it,” I muttered under my breath as I stomped towards the door, yanking it open with force.

“Hey, Olivia,” a stranger greeted me.

Mind you, he was a hot… smoldering hot stranger. Fuck, did I even check my hair?

I cleared my throat before greeting the hot, smoldering man with a flirty smile. “Hey… Have we met before?” I’m sure I wasn’t going to forget a body and face that looked like this if I had met him somewhere.

He grinned sheepishly. “Yeah, but I’m not sure you remember. You were a little wasted then.”

I blushed from head to foot. Fuck, did he see me do something embarrassing? God, I hoped not.

“I’m Patrick. I live five doors down.”

Five. Doors. Down. Damn, that’s really,reallyclose…

“Oh… cool.” I hoped he couldn’t tell I was nervous.

We stared at each other for a second before he smiled again. “I thought you’d might be interested in knowing we’re having game night. Beer Pong. Twister. You know, the usual.”

Usual… sounded interesting. “Yeah… yeah, I’ll be sure to drop by later.”After I groomed and looked more presentable to the rest of mankind.

“Okay, see ya!” He made a flirty wink before disappearing down the hall.

Shutting the door, my eyes were dancing. Who the fuck was that? Greyson who?

That’s right, Greyson who? The universe was clearly on my cheering squad because I didn’t even have to go out and find men; they came knocking on my door.

My mood was lifted, and even though the tiger-eyed man surfaced in and out of my mind, I didn’t let it dampen my party mood.

* * *

Two hours later, I found myself five doors down and being greeted by Patrick himself.

There were about fifteen people total and they seemed to welcome me without question. Some were already busy chugging on the kegs while the others played pool and the two old school arcade games tucked against the wall. Patrick introduced me to his friends as he handed me a beer. A guy named Rob came out of nowhere, carrying a four by four mirror like it was a tray as he came closer to me.
