Page 107 of Grey

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The ending of us.

It was sad. Wanting anything else would be in vain, and I knew it was time.

I had held on for so long, letting this—him—go after realizing my mistake without ever sharing this love with him… it was going to be tough.Starting a clean slate, I thought sadly as I drowned in my heartache, holding his hand close to my cheek as I softly grazed my skin over his. “I’m going to miss your smell, Grey.”

He remained silent, making me wonder if he had fallen asleep. When I heard him sigh a couple of times as he shifted a bit, loosening his hold of my hips. I did what I thought would be best.

“You can go now. I’m sorry for holding you up. I just remembered that you have to buy your wife breakfast.” Saying the wordwifewas tearing me apart, burning my chest as it consumed my insides, however I had to come around and accept it fully.

“But I thought you wanted me to stay?” I could feel him lift half of his body to look over at me, but I remained still, eyes closed as I started letting him go.

I would keep him if I could, yet he wasn’t mine. I had borrowed him for a while and now time was up. I didn’t want him to hate me more than he already did. Besides, it wasn’t as if he had chosen to stay here, not really.

“I’ll be okay—don’t worry about me.”

His shrilling phone made us both pause. He checked the time on the side table indicating that it was five before eight before he started to shift and plucked his phone out of his pocket. A long, drawn-out sound came out of him as he took the call. “Hello?” he said, sounding exhausted. “Yeah.How can you guys run out of Hibiscus?You promised me that I would have ten dozen of them by tomorrow! Well, that’s not my problem. No, I don’t want roses—my wifeloves red Hibiscus and I want to surprise her tomorrow on our anniversary. Well, fuck, you’re the one running the business. Figure it out.” He hung up, cursing before groaning out loudly.

Tomorrow was their what, seven month anniversary as a couple since I left or was it for their two-month wedding anniversary, and he had something planned? Will he be doing this for every single month they gained being married to each other? Lucky Edith.

I couldn’t help going down that route—the this-could-have-been-me-instead-of-her route state of mind. Clutching the pillow against my chest, I sighed shakily, hoping sleep would catch me and give me that nightmare again. This time, I hoped it would take me away. What better way to leave than sleep your death away?

“I didn’t mean to blow up—I just hated the fact that this flower place couldn’t deliver what was promised.” He tried to explain himself, but I didn’t see why he should.

He was right on being ticked off. It seemed that tomorrow meant a lot to him. He might not get sex from Edith—maybe because of her health, I wasn’t sure—but it was clear as day that he sure loved her madly enough to celebrate monthly wedding anniversaries with her. What husband would do such things? I’d never heard of it really. Well, not until today.

“I’m tired, Grey… do you mind letting yourself out?” I tried to level out my voice, as if I wasn’t crying a damn river on my pillow. “You can leave the keys on the coffee table next to the sofa. Thanks.”



“You’re going to be safe, right? I’m going out of town tonight—I—promise me you won’t do anything stupid?”

Where were they going to celebrate their anniversary? I wanted to demand the answer from him, however I bit off a part of my tongue to stop myself from intruding in his life. “I will be okay, Grey. You have nothing to worry about with me.”

“You mean that, right?”

Since when did I start not meaning what I said? “Go home, Grey.”

“Okay,” he said as I felt the bed shift when he stood up.

I wished I had the balls to look him in the eye, maybe even give him a hug, but I couldn’t move. Paralyzed on the spot, I wished him the best. “Travel safe. Enjoy your time with Edith.”


“How areyou liking this new school, sweetie?” Mom asked as she poured her tea while I watched her do it in daze, wondering where Greyson went with Edith for their anniversary.

“Hmm?” I blinked at her, hoping she’d repeat what she’d just said.

She gave me a comforting smile before repeating it again.

“It’s great. I just wish Josie wasn’t so highly obsessed with Gavin, but other than that, everything seems to be going well,” I calmly said as I thought about my major. Was I still willing to go through Psychology? I wasn’t so sure anymore. In fact, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do from here on out. Maybe I needed to sit down with a pen and paper and figure it out from there.

Glancing at my mom, I had to think she seemed to be in a much better place. Her smiles reached her eyes, and each time I saw her, she seemed to be more like her old self.

“Are you dating anyone? I know, after Liam… I think he could’ve been the one. He loves you and he’ll make you very happy.”

The one…
