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“It doesn’t matter? Then why throw it at me, huh?”

Because…I was going out of my mind wondering what you’ve been up to.Because I was stuck loving him all the while he didn’t seem to love me anymore than he had a month ago.

The bruises were healing even though my mind was constantly tormented, but there was this eviscerating pain that latched on to me like a disease, sucking me dry because of my broken heart. It was never going to heal. I wasn’t sure how my broken heart kept on breaking, yet it always did every time I knew I was going to leave his side again.

With a shaky breath, it took all my courage to leave him once more. “I appreciate all you’ve done for me, but I’m okay now. I don’t need you to constantly be here. I have to start living again and figure it out on my own. So, thank you… I guess I’ll be seeing you around.” Bracing myself, I strolled towards the bedroom and quietly shut the door.

I was about to get into bed when the door was opened, slamming against the wall as Greyson strode in like a massive thunderstorm ready to break free.

“You don’t get to say thank you,” he growled as he reached me, chest heaving while his eyes danced like fiery orbs. “You don’t get to say all that stupid shit just to push me away. Because guess what? I don’t give a fucking damn if you don’t want me here. I’m staying whether you want me or not. I promised to take care of you, and I’m not backing down on that. Do you hear me?I’m staying.”

“Fine. You can sleep on the couch then.”

“No, I’m sleeping here. With you. In the same bed exactly as it’s been for the past seven days,” he persisted while he started taking his clothes off, as if my demands were pointless.

Why was he tormenting me? Didn’t he know how difficult it was for me to love him and be this close to him every day and night without him being mine? It was cruel.

“I don’t want you here.”

“Yes, you do,” he confidently spat back. “You love me; you know you do, Olivia.”

Confident bastard. I wished I could throw crap like that at his face. Sadly, though, I couldn’t. “I don’t love you anymore.”

“You’re lying.”

Of course I was. Hell, he needed a good punching.

“Not that it should matter if I do or don’t. I’m just telling the truth.”

He was instantly crowding me with his eyes, his breath, his lips, pinning me down with that look that made me hot and tingly all over. “Lie to my face again.”

“I don’t love you. How hard is that to understand?”

He growled like a bear with a sore head. “Keep saying it!”

I was on a roll and had no plans of stopping. “I said, I don’t love you.”

“Try again.”

Fine. I’d keep yelling to his face until he understood the meaning. “I don’t love you—I was just confused with Liam—”

“Aw, hell no, you didn’t just say that.” The veins on his neck popped, ready to explode. “Take that back!”


His breathing became ragged, looking hurt yet persistent before he looked down then back at my face. “You really want me to leave?”

His tone broke my heart. I wanted him to leave, but… “Yeah,” I murmured with a heavy heart.

His throat bobbed as if he was having a hard time. I felt awful for making him feel that way, however I couldn’t deal with having him come home late every night. I just couldn’t.

“If I leave… I’m really leaving for good. This is it. I’d rather shoot myself than touch you again. So, if this is what you want, I won’t argue with you.”

“Greyson,” I choked out.

He took the jeans from the floor and took out his keys before he pulled mine out and set them aside on the side table. “Here are your keys.”

I watched as he took his shirt, about to put it back on, when common sense kicked in. “Don’t leave—I’m sorry.”
