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“I’m sorry I haven’t said them earlier. I showed you through my actions just how much I did... I needed courage, though. It’s always been you, Olivia.”

“It’s always you,” I murmured back, loving him with my entirety.

He bit into my neck, undoing me as he marked himself on me. In a flash, he placed me on the dresser table, scattering my belongings everywhere, some of them crashing onto the floor. He untied my robe, revealing my nakedness for him to worship.

“You’re mine,” he declared possessively.

Yes.“I’m yours.”

He was a piece of me, and without him, I would never be complete. We were like a complete puzzle. Take one piece out of the heart of the puzzle, and though the frame would be intact, there would always be that small part missing. We were just that way. We could survive without each other, we knew we could, but we also knew we’d be miserable that way. We fought hard, we loved harder, and we fucked even better.

The Piece By Piece of Us



Some got lucky in life. Some didn’t.

Others dwelled on their mistakes while some moved on.

In every situation, there was always a negative and a positive.

Look into the picture clearly. Open your eyes to reality.

Luck would sometimes be gifted to us, but most of the time, we worked hard for those good fortunes. Excuses were made for those who didn’t take action. The word itself was made for the lazy. Never be a victim of that because luck wouldn’t even cure laziness. Nothing ever did.

One of the things I learned from all the trials I had gone through was to never fear the unknown and underestimate what you could achieve because, in life, everything could be limitless—endless—if you put yourself on the line and took the risk.

What’s more, when you risked it all, the possible return of that investment could be worth your while. Live a little and try something that would make your heart skip and contract as if you were having a heart attack. Usually those experiences molded the person in you, so never be afraid to hurt, to be in pain or to fall in love.

Love happens all the time. Every time the clock ticked, someone in the world was falling in love out there somewhere. However, there was nothing exceptionally special about falling in love when a person didn’t appreciate the feeling itself. It became special when one appreciated the journey it brought them, when they bonded with all the tears, hate and joys.

So live a little. Risk even more. And the journey will be worth living for.

My rollercoaster love for Olivia had given me hell and a lot of heaven. I had come to realize that, even though our intentions and our love were pure, the world clearly wasn’t.

I knew it was her—I had known all along. But, sometimes, life threw backbreaking challenges that made you question everything, steering you in a different direction. However, if you fought it hard enough, even if there were so many wrongs, your perseverance would always prevail. Because, with all the wrongs that were committed, sooner or later, the right answer to the equation would come.

It was the same idea with lying. Sooner or later, the truth would eventually surface. I was only a man, and as such I was bound to mess up at some time, yet the trick was not to mess it up so much that you couldn’t tell a wake-up call from an accident.

I was grateful enough to have a second go with my life. Not everyone got a second chance. This wasluck. Keeping the woman I loved and treasured, consistently making her happy, washard work. Yet, I did it with a smile because I was a man who saw what was before me clearly—my reality and my future ahead.

Speaking of risking, and since it was Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d give Olivia something to think about…

Cherries are red.

Balls aren’t blue.

Someday, I will hear you say, I do.
