Page 122 of Grey

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“It’s good to see you both so happy,” Brett started to say before he took hold of my mother’s hand and kissed it. “We have our own announcement to make.” His eyes shifted from mine to Grey’s then back at me again.

Fuck. They were going to get married and we’d be step-siblings?I thought horrendously. Talk about bad timing!

“We’re expecting a baby.”

My eyes grew as big as saucers. “Excuse me? Did you saybaby?”

Brett placed his arm around my mom as I watched her get teary-eyed. “Yes, Liv… we’re pregnant.”

“Wow.” Grey nodded, just as shocked as I was. “That’s—” he huffed out a breath, nodding again.“Congratulations?”

“You guys need to calm down; we aren’t getting married, so you two can now not look so horrified!” Mom laughed, shaking her head.

Jesus. Thank you.

I let out a whistle, smiling my relief.

We stayed for another hour, catching up as they spoke about what was to come with my mom’s pregnancy. Pushing my own fears aside, I was ecstatic for my mom and the idea of having a new brother or sister to welcome into the family. Brett looked extremely proud, giving my mom such beloved looks and touching her whenever he could.

Grey and I had been settling in well. We still argued almost on a daily basis, but hey, life sure wasn’t perfect and neither were we. Yet, even if we bickered, I still cherished those little bits and pieces because we were growing together as a couple, and every single moment and experience I had with him, I took straight to heart.

It had been a two weeks since we got back from the cabin and things had progressed steadily since then. When he announced it to his friends that I had become his girlfriend, again, apparently everyone blew a sigh of relief and yelled “Thank you, Jesus” because they were sick of seeing him blow a fuse every time one of them was near me. The man was mental for me, and I loved every crazy bit of him.

Yesterday marked another monumental moment for us. He officially moved in, hauling all of his things to my place, telling me the world could benefit from it since he’d be saving gas from driving back and forth, and he’d have less of a stress knowing I was safe in bed and not trolling at some party.

He was overbearing and overprotective, especially since it was hard to avoid being in school and not getting invited every other hour, however we decided it would be healthier and safer if we go together as a couple. He wasn’t sure at first, but I insisted on it. The scars of what had happened to me would always be there—a reminder of what life might’ve been for me. Even though that taught me a lot, I also didn’t want to live in fear and not savor the second chance I had—to start over and make things right with Greyson.

I still hadn’t said anything to my mom about the incident and hospitalization, but given her present circumstances, it was best to save it for another time. Besides, it wasn’t something I was ready to open up about. When the time was right, I’d lay it all out there. For now, though, I was satisfied with what I had. I had love in abundance, and that’s what mattered most.

As Greyson promised, Edith did sign the divorce papers, though she made her own stipulations that made me not so happy, but it was something I could compromise with. She had demanded for Grey to keep visiting her twice a week and spend time with her on top of Grey supporting her financially. She was still going through her treatments, and even though her body was responding to it, the doctors weren’t one hundred percent positive she was in the clear.

I wasn’t happy about it to be honest, but Grey begged me to understand that he had vowed to be there for her, and although he wasn’t married to her anymore, he still wanted to carry through with that promise. When he said that Edith didn’t pose a threat to us anymore, I truly believed it because nothing was going to break us apart. So I gave him my consent, respecting him a little for standing his ground and for keeping his promise. There weren’t enough men in this world that were that kind and would deliver with their promises. I was blessed and truly lucky to have a man like that.

“Daydreaming about me again?” Grey strode into the bathroom, walking towards where I was sitting in front of the mirror as I did my nightly beauty ritual. He’d caught me while I was staring hard at our four-by-four picture that sits on the corner.

I made small smile as I watched him in the mirror as he came up behind me. He brushed my hair to the side and kissed the spot where my shoulder and neck connected.

“I thought you and the guys were going to play pool?”

“We did, but I left early.” He looked funny, as if something was bothering him.

“Is everything okay?” I asked, praying it wasn’t about Edith.

“I have something for you,” he murmured as our eyes connected in the mirror. I saw him slide his hand into his pocket before pulling out a necklace that had a penny-sized emerald shamrock with two tiny, gold, hand-pressed pendants that could be taken out if I wanted to use the emerald alone. I watched him place it on the base of my neck before securing the lock.

“This is beautiful…” I gushed. “What’s the occasion? Did I miss something?” Was there something I should remember? I started to frown before his thumb caressed my collarbone then the emerald shamrock.

“Ever since you gave me that charm bracelet in the closet and your obsession with the cereal itself, whenever I see a shamrock, I always think of you. This is a gift for making me feel lucky to have you in my life.” He then touched the leaves, telling me that one had a G and the other had F engraved on it. “The G stands for me and the F stands for forever. I wanted the shamrock and the F forForever Lucky, but I thought I should throw my name into the mix just in case you forget that I’m completely crazy about you.”

Oh, fuck. I wasn’t going to cry…

“Dammit, why are you so perfect!” I laughed as I wiped my tears away before I jumped out of my seat and into his arms, bringing his face to mine and kissing him deeply. “I love you. I love you so much, Grey.”

He pulled my face away before he kissed me tenderly this time. Breaking our kiss, he placed his forehead against mine, giving me another quick kiss. “I love you, Liv,” he breathed out. “You were and always have been my heart, whether I believed it or not… my heart never left you.”

I couldn’t even begin to describe how I was then. I was a wreck, ecstatic, and an emotional heap of crazy as I cried hysterically—the ugly cry and all.

Sniffing and choking, I cried harder as I looked at him. “I never thought I’d hear those words from you again … It’s killed me every time I thought you might never say them to me again.”
