Page 32 of Want It

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She pumped her fist in the air and went to see the boss.

His door was closed, but she could hear masculine voices behind them. She pressed her ear to the door. It didn’t sound like Didier in there. Deciding to go for it, she knocked.

The voices stopped, and a moment later Jamie opened the door. He looked at her in question. “Lottie?”

She peeked around his shoulders and saw Danny standing on the other side of the room. It was obvious from the look on his face that whatever conversation he and Jamie were having wasn’t to his liking.

But he lookedgood. He was dressed in a charcoal-gray suit with an open collar today, with his hair drawn back into a ponytail. He looked like a bad boy, just like Jules had said, but a very successful one who bought and sold corporations all day.

No wonder Jules had looked at him like she had. Dressed up, he was man candy in the flesh.

She wondered if Otto had a suit like that.

She waved at Danny. “Hey there, big boy.”

Some of the tension left Danny’s body. “Ma’am,” he replied, lowering his head respectfully.

That little bit of deference reinforced her conviction that she was making the right decision.

“Did you need something, Lottie?” Jamie asked.

“A word?” Gesturing to the hallway, she smiled at Danny. “I’ll just borrow him a moment.”

“Just a moment?” Danny waved expansively, his tone sarcastic. “Take him forever.”

Jamie arched his brow at the other man, but he guided Lottie outside, closing the door behind him. “What do you need, Lottie?”

“Him.” She pointed at Jamie’s office.

Jamie looked over his shoulder with a deep frown. “Him? Danny Osei?”

“Yes. I want him as a client.” She took a deep breath and went for it. “I know we voted not to take him, but I have a feeling about him, and I just heard him talking to Jules outside—”

“Jules Emory?”

“How many Jules do you know?” She snapped her fingers. “Keep up here.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said with an amused smile.

“I overheard him talking to Jules, worried that her problem might be an abusive man and offering to help her if he could. He was downright sweet. I think there’s more there than you see, and I’d like to take a crack at him.”

Folding his arms, Jamie leaned against the wall. “You’ve never had your own client.”

She nodded, feeling a flare of nerves. Then she lifted her chin and went for it. “There’s always got to be a first time. Otherwise, why do you have me here?”

“Why indeed?” he said with a smile. He straightened and held out his hand. “Welcome to the team, Ms. Morgan.”

Was it that easy? She hesitantly put her hand in his. “I get to take him on?”

“If you believe you can help him, go for it. He’ll be grateful. He was just trying to make a case for himself. We can tell him together.” Jamie put his arm around her and steered her back toward his office. “About time you asked, by the way.”

She blinked up at him. “You’ve been waiting?”

“Yes. You had to come to the realization that you were ready to do it.” He opened the door and let her enter first.

Danny squared off as they entered. She had the urge to go over and assure him everything would be all right, but she let Jamie take point. It was his show, after all.

“It’s your lucky day, Danny,” Jamie said as he joined them. “Ms. Lottie asked to take you as her client.”

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