Page 29 of Wicked Heirs

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“That gives you a motive to kill her,” Erin said, sitting up straight. “She could’ve threatened to expose you.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Bobbi narrowed her eyes. “Do you want me to help you or not?”

“Sorry. I was just saying—”

“That I might’ve murdered my best friend? Yeah, I got it, thanks,” Bobbi replied in a scathing tone. She sucked in a breath, exhaled deeply, and lifted the laptop lid. “So, do you want me to access this diary or not?”

“Yes, please,” Erin murmured. Two spots of color had appeared on her cheeks.

Bobbi rolled her eyes and started typing. A couple of minutes later, a triumphant expression appeared on her face. “Here you go,” she said, pushing the laptop slightly forward so we could all get a good look at it. “Cerina’s most private thoughts and feelings.”

“Can you go to the most recent entry?”

“Sure.” Bobbi clicked on the mousepad. “This is it.”

November 10th, 2021


Fuck all of this. I’m telling everyone.

“She wrote that two days before she died,” I said, glancing at Bobbi. “Any idea what it’s about?”

She shook her head. “Cerina had secrets. Lots of them,” she murmured, eyes glimmering with tears. She blinked them away, cleared her throat, and lifted her chin. “Anyway, let’s scroll through the rest. See if anything jumps out at us.”

Most of the previous entries followed a common theme. The moods were listed as angry, sad, or disgusted, and the posts were scathing rants about how much Cerina despised her family. One of the posts even mentioned how she was planning to run away from Crown Point as soon as she turned eighteen. After that, she intended to cut off all contact with her parents, brothers, uncles, and aunts.

“Wow, she really couldn’t stand her family,” Bobbi said, brows rising. “I always knew she didn’t get along with her parents, but I had no idea she didn’t get along with her brothers.”

“Any idea why she hated them all so much?” Erin asked.

“No, but whatever it was, it was consuming her. Every second post is about them.”

“It’s a shame she doesn’t saywhy,” I said, shaking my head. “But I guess she didn’t need to because it was her diary. She already knew why, and she didn’t think anyone else would read it, so she didn’t need to explain anything.”

“Exactly. It was just a place to write down her feelings about everything.” Bobbi sighed and scrolled up again. Her brows rose, and she cocked her head. “Huh. What’s this?”

November 3rd, 2021


Fuck every single one of these assholes. I’m going to burn it all down one day. They won’t see it coming.






De Souza



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