Page 34 of Missing

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And he’d have to keep that in mind as he considered their future.

What would she want to do if they did marry? Surely, it wasn’t just to settle in the role of marchioness? “I hope you’reright. Because since I’ve returned, she’s been angrier than an alley cat.”

“That’s her way.” Brax winked. “And if I think about it, there are some real advantages to such a feisty woman.”

Despite his exhaustion and nerves, Bennet nearly burst out laughing as the footman opened the door to the carriage.

“Also, before I forget.” The duke exited the carriage first and then turned back to Bennet. “Once this all settles down, we must formally introduce Rebecca to Charlotte. They have a great deal in common, and somehow, I suspect they can develop an excellent partnership. Charlotte already works for the police, helping to solve crimes. Between the two of them, I’d suspect, no criminal would be safe.”

Bennet gave a quick acknowledgment, but he smiled despite himself. He supposed they were never moving to that farm. Not that they could now, anyhow, but the quiet life he’d dreamed of when he’d been away from her—that was not their future. It never had been. She was right again. They’d always been meant for more.

But if he could convince her to be his wife, he’d live whatever life she chose. He just wished to be hers.

They made their way inside, up the grand stair and into the private sitting room of the queen.

As Bennet and Brax entered, Her Majesty was standing to one side, no less than four men with her. A New Policeman, judging by his uniform, was the first.

And the other men wore the smart suits of solicitors.

Bennet bowed before the queen, and she gave him a dip of her chin in return. “Your Grace, my lord,” she said, clearly showing them deference. “I’m most eager to hear what you have to say.”

Bennet drew in a deep breath. It was time to begin.

Rebecca wokewith the sun already high in the sky, the bed next to her empty. She reached out a hand but the sheets next to her were cool and crisp. Bennet was long gone.

She rose quickly, trying to shake the grogginess from her mind as she bathed and dressed. Hot tea was what she needed—along with useful information.

But before she left her room, she strapped one knife to her thigh and tucked the other in her boot. Finally, her pistol went into the discreet pocket of her dress. She wasn’t certain exactly why she did so, considering she was just going downstairs for tea. But with Bennet gone, a worry had settled deep in her stomach.

When had he left? How long had he been gone, and when was he slated to return?

Her breath caught. She’d been so busy showing him her feelings that it wasn’t until this morning that she realized she hadn’t actually told him of her affection.

Or continued affection. Revitalized? Her writer’s brain sought the perfect word as she entered the breakfast room.

Dillan was there, as well as Alexi and Dillan’s sister, Laurel. The petite woman gave Rebecca a long look as she slid into a chair.

“Did you get any sleep?” Dillan asked from the other end of the table.

“Well enough,” she answered, taking a fortifying sip of tea. “What time were you up?”

“His Grace and his lordship left just after eight this morning.”

Alexi sighed. “So little sleep.”

Dillan reached for her hand. “We’ll all be fine.” Then he looked at the women around the table. “And hopefully Bennet and Brax will return soon.”

“It’s nearly noon,” Alexi said with a frown. “What’s taking them so long?”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted. “It was a great deal of evidence to go through.”

Dillan nodded. “In fact, the longer they are gone, the more seriously I would say the queen is taking their case. If it had been quick, I’d be more worried.”

“That is an excellent point,” Rebecca added, feeling more bolstered by the words. “And if she is taking them seriously, then…”

“The earl will be arrested and tried, his earldom going to whomever is next in line when he’s found guilty.”

The earl found guilty. Rebecca felt a surge of energy. If that were to happen, then she and Bennet would be free.
