Page 33 of Missing

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Bennet was hers. Her past. Her present. Her future.

And when he finally broke, she waited for his passion to subside before she shifted her body next to his, curling into his side.

When they woke, they would face the next set of obstacles. But for this moment, they were exactly where they belonged.


Bennet slipped from the bed,staring down at the sleeping Rebecca. Gently, he pulled the covers around her body, not wanting to wake her. She needed some rest. They’d barely been asleep an hour, but he knew better than to keep their new queen waiting.

While her father had been intimately aware of the illegal activities and the danger they posed, Her Majesty had seemed less convinced. She’d been far more concerned with him taking his place in the marquessate and ensuring the future of the country by way of providing for the thousands of people who depended on the title.

She wasn’t wrong…

But his investigation had taken years and great personal sacrifice, and he’d see it done now.

Tenderly, he ran a knuckle over the velvet of Rebecca’s cheek. She’d given up so much too. Now was his chance to make her safe and to care for her the way he should have all along.

He swallowed down a lump of regret. So much had been lost. But then he turned away, moving to the dressing room where water and soap had been left out in addition to clean clothes. The duke’s?

They fit reasonably well, and as he looked in the mirror, for the first time in a long time, he looked like the son of a marquess.

He shook his head. Hewasthe marquess.

Drawing in a deep breath, he gathered up his evidence and headed for the hall.

Both His Grace and Dillan waited for him at the bottom of the stairs. Bennet stopped, appreciating their attendance. “You’re not both coming with me, are you?” He looked back up the stairs. “While I could use the support, it would be nice if one man stayed.”

“I agree,” His Grace rumbled. “But I also itch to join the action, which is why I’ll go with you and Dillan will remain here.”

“Brax has more weight than me politically,” Dillan reasoned. “He’s the better choice to visit with our queen. And as rich as the earl is, not even he can threaten a duke and a marquess.”

It was true and Bennet felt his shoulders relax at the words. “Dillan, please make sure Rebecca stays put. She’ll want to help, but she’s in far more danger than myself or Brax for a number of reasons.”

Dillan gave a tight nod. “I understand.”

He reached out his free hand to shake Dillan’s. “Thank you. You’ve been a tremendous help.”

Dillan shook his hand in return. “And you are worthy of Rebecca.”

He smiled. The words were high praise indeed. He and Brax made their way outside and into the duke’s carriage, where the queen’s guard already waited to escort them.

“Tell me about your evidence,” Brax said as they settled into the seats.

It was a good idea. He’d hone his words by giving them to the duke first, and the other man would also know all the facts in the event that something happened to Bennet. With that in mind, hedetailed everything he could in the short journey from the duke’s home to the palace.

The morning streets were quiet, and they moved quickly. For once, Bennet could have used a bit more time. But as the palace gate swung open, he looked at Brax. “What do you think?”

Brax shook his head. “Your work has been meticulous, and it leaves little or no doubt.” Then the man leaned forward. “I am in awe of the fact that you gave up your life to do this. I wish I was as good a man as you.”

Bennet gave a stiff nod of thanks. He hoped the queen felt that same. And Rebecca? They’d grown so close, he hoped she was ready for a future with him even after their past. He just…he’d tried to do right, but somewhere along the way, it all gotten so muddled. “In your wife’s eyes, I’d guess she’s rather happy you are you and not me.”

Brax gave a quick nod. “Rebecca will forgive you in time, if she hasn’t already. I saw her face when you came through my door last night.”

“Thank you,” Bennet answered as the carriage drove up to the front entrance. While their growing intimacy was undeniable, Rebecca hadn’t confessed her true feelings. Would she ever?

“Besides, there are women who just need a husband, and then there are women who need a challenge. I suspect your Rebecca falls in the latter category. I’ve seen hints of her own sleuthing abilities, and I’d say she’d not have been content with a traditional path.”

She’d said the same just a few days prior.
