Page 40 of Missing

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“And she followed to try to save you,” he said, beginning to understand why everyone admired Charlotte so much.

“That’s right,” she looked down at the earl. “She shot him first. In the shoulder.”

“Are you all right?” he asked, his hand flattening out protectively on her back.

“I’m wonderfully relieved.” Then she looked up at him. “We’re free.”

They were free. Feet sounded on the cobblestone, footmen rushing to their aid. Behind them, Brax and Dillan were speeding toward them too, Charlotte at the back of the group.

They were free after years of his undercover investigation. They were finally able to have whatever life they chose.

Would Rebecca choose to spend hers with him?


The restof the day was spent in endless interviews. The police, the solicitors, the queen’s advisors.

Rebecca spoke as little as possible as both Charlotte and Bennet did most of the talking. And by the end of the day, Rebecca knew two things for certain.

The first was that Charlotte Westmoreland was the best woman she’d ever met. Calm, strong, she’d even chastised the queen’s advisor when he’d had the audacity to ask if they’d attacked the Earl of Shipley first.

Rebecca wasn’t certain how she’d have made it through the day without her, but she’d find a way to make it up to the other woman as soon as she could decide how. Several times, Charlotte has slipped her hand into Rebecca’s, giving her fingers a light squeeze as she’d once again recounted what had happened that day.

And the second thing she knew was that she’d never be parted from Bennet again. Let him try. He was not leaving her for a mission, he was not even headed to the country without her. They would be tied together for the rest of their lives.

They’d been given another chance and she’d not squander that gift.

It was eleven in the evening before they’d finally been given peace.

Brax and Mona, Dillan and Alexi, as well as Laurel and Charlotte were in the sitting room, eating a light meal of sandwiches. Rebecca had no idea what kind and it didn’t matter.

Charlotte’s husband had joined them as well, a distinguished-looking earl who stared at his wife with such love that Rebecca had to smile.

“You should get some sleep,” Bennet whispered in her ear. “You’ve had quite the day.”

“So have you,” she returned, leaning her cheek on his shoulder.

“I’m fine,” he answered, his fingers lightly touching the bruising on her neck. “It’s you who has me worried.”

“The doctor assured us both that I’m not worse for the wear. A few weeks and the marks will disappear.”

“I know, but rest will help.”

“Where should we go, then?” she asked, leaning her head back to look into his eyes. “My home will be empty. The sisters who care for my house will surely have left. If you’d like to…” Her words tapered off.

He stared down at her for a moment, understanding what she implied and glad for so many reasons. “I’m glad you want me to come. I’d hate to leave you alone now.”

She swallowed. Did he mean that he’d leave her alone at some point? The events had been swirling about them so quickly, they’d not really talked about the future. “Do you think you’ll leave me alone…ever?”

His brows lifted and his mouth tightened. “Do you want me to?”

She shook her head. “No. Not ever.”

His lips broke into a large smile, his shoulders slumping. “Good. Because I wasn’t really ever leaving.”

“You weren’t?” Something warm slid through her as her fingers twined through his.

“No. I’ve always been yours, Rebecca.”
