Page 41 of Missing

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He had. “Does that mean that after all this time, we’re going to marry?”

“If you’ll have me, Lady Rebecca, I would be honored to be your husband.”

“Yes,” she whispered before she leaned in and gave him a kiss.

The group around them cheered, and she had to smile even as she blushed.

The duke cleared his throat. “This calls for champagne. I insist that everyone stay here tonight.”

It was just as well. She was exhausted and all she wanted was to sleep in Bennet’s arms.

“Tomorrow, we’ll discuss our next steps,” Brax continued. “Charlotte. What are you thinking?”

Next steps? “But the earl’s dead.”

Charlotte shook her head. “Yes, but he had a vast network. We cut off the head, but the body will flail. And if we’re not careful, a new head will emerge.”

Rebecca felt her stomach clench. Excellent points.

“I’ve sent word to my division. And all the evidence we collected has been shared with them. I’m confident they’ll round up the necessary criminals, but it will take some time,” Bennet said as he slipped an arm about her. “It might be best if we sojourn to one of the many properties at our disposal as the arrests are made.”

“When do they begin?” Brax asked.

Bennet smiled. “They already have.”

Rebecca relaxed again. It was a good plan. And clearly, she had more to learn about sleuthing. Despite the day’s events, shewas eager to start her training. “Is there anything we can do to help?”

“Actually”—Bennet pulled her a touch closer—“I think there is.”

“What?” She looked at the man she’d loved for as long as she could remember.

“You can print the entire thing in your newspaper.” He brushed her cheek with the pad of his thumb.

She sat up with a gasp. It was the story she’d always wanted to write. Did she still wish for that future? Her brow furrowed as she considered.

“What is it?”

She shook her head. “I always wanted to cover crime. And I tried to dig up facts about you as I did, but now that you’re here…”

What did her future hold? Did they marry? Did she continue to write for the paper?

Charlotte nodded. “A full-time career as a writer would be difficult, but if I might suggest…” The other woman gave her a knowing smile. “A part-time partner in my investigations might suit your role as marchioness better.”

That was a wonderful idea.

She gave a nod, looking at Bennet, his own gaze shrouded with uncertainty. “You don’t like the idea?”

He shrugged. “I do worry for your safety, after today.” But then he leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I’ll certainly have to retire my duties in order to make certain you remain safe.”

But her heart, already bursting at the seams, threatened to come undone. It was what she’d always dreamed of…the two of them working together. They’d always been better together.

With that thought, she rose. “Your Grace—”

“Brax. I insist.”

“Brax,” she said with a smile. “I hope you can forgive us, but the champagne will have to wait. I find that the day’s events have taxed me and—”

But she hardly had the chance to finish before Bennet was on his feet too. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
