Page 92 of Code Name: Outlaw

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Both girls jumped up and did a little dance in the middle of the decked-out minivan. Ethan was older than his baby sister by nearly twenty years and was a former Navy SEAL. In River’s mind, he and his wife Jess could do no wrong. Evidently, soccer included.

Charlie grinned over at Jenna. “I’ll have Ethan and Jess as built-in babysitters. I love it.”

The girls squealed as Jenna cued up the footage and they were able to watch Megan’s goal. Then back it up and watch it again.

After the girls’ seventh time doing a victory dance, Charlie called a stop to the insanity.

“Okay, Bollinger, time to go.”

“Aw, Mom, not yet!” River made a comedically tragic face. “Can Megan have a sleepover?”

Charlie rolled her eyes and looked over at Jenna. “Up to you. She’s welcome, as always.”

“Please, Mommy? Please?” Megan pleaded with giant green eyes. “That way you and Daddy can have your special time downstairs.”

Charlie snickered.

“Fine,” Jenna said with an exaggerated sigh. “Go have your fun. I guess I’ll hang out with Dad if I have to.”

With squeals of excitement and hugs all around, Charlie led the girls out of the van.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Mark pulled Jenna onto his lap. “I’m looking forward tospecial timewith you downstairs.”

She spun until she was straddling his hips. She ran her fingers through his hair over his ears. This man. He’d been everything to her from their first kiss.

He would be everything to her until their last one.

“I think I wantspecial timewith you upstairs first.”

Special time downstairs was sparring. Upstairs was…whatever they wanted and needed.

Which was always each other.

He pulled her closer until their lips were touching. “Both.”

Her eyes closed at the familiar pressure of his lips against hers. She would never tire of this. Of him.


“Both. Forever and always.”

