Page 54 of All We Have

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I loved her so very much. I placed the box on the table between us, flipping it open with my thumb and spinning it toward her. “I thought this weekend was perfect to ask you to marry me.”

I managed to speak smoothly even though my pulse had kicked up its pace again. Jane's eyes went wide, and she gasped as her palm flew to her chest. She stared at the ring before her eyes bounced back to mine. “Are you serious?”

“Of course, I'm serious.” I reached for her hand resting on the table and curled mine around it. “Absolutely. I know it’s what I want. So why wait? You can't even say it's too soon. We've been dating for a whole entire year, and we've known each other for as long as I can remember. I'd like for us to be together for the rest of our memories.”

Just then, Sherry arrived with our drinks. Her gaze bounced back and forth between us. She let out something like a squeak before she spun away.

“What do you say?” I leaned forward. Even though I had faith in my feelings, inus, I’d learned that when someone matters this much, it came with a touch of awe tangled with worry.

“Yes, I say yes,” Jane said firmly. She brushed a tear away when it slipped below her glasses.

“Let's see if it fits. I had to guess.”

“You guessed?” she teased, her bright eyes lifting to mine.

The ring fit perfectly. “It's beautiful,” she breathed.

She stared down at the ring. It was a simple white gold band with a sapphire because she told me she loved that stone. “If you don't like it—”

She shook her head quickly. “I love it.”

She stood from her chair and rounded the table. I stood to meet her, folding her into my arms and holding her close.

The next thing I knew, customers were cheering, and Sherry had returned with a bottle of champagne. Dinner was much more relaxed after I got that out of the way. We returned to the house and stoked the fire so its flames were flickering through the room. We were tangled up skin to skin on the couch in front of it in a matter of minutes.

I stroked my fingers through her silky hair after we lost ourselves in each other, savoring the sense of pure sated relaxation and peace I felt only with her.

“You actually surprised me. I had no idea that was coming this weekend,” she said, lifting her head and resting her chin on her curled fist on my chest.

“I'm feeling pretty good about that,” I teased lightly.

She rolled her eyes. “Good. Now what are we doing for the rest of the weekend?”

“We're working on the windows.” I chuckled, and Jane leaned forward, pressing her lips in the divot at the base of my throat.

“Okay. I'll do anything with you.”

“Just be here with me. Well, and if you want, you can help with the windows.”

She giggled. “Always.”

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