Page 145 of Chasing Hadley

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“Are you okay?” Bailey asks worriedly.

I nod, but I’m not sure that I am.

Why am I suddenly remembering random, forgotten memories?

What the hell happened to me?



I hate goingto my dad’s place. It reminds me that he’s rich, which reminds me of how he obtained his wealth. But I do my best not to think about that as Rhyland and I head up to our dad’s office.

When we reach the shut door, I don’t knock immediately.

“You want me to knock?” Rhyland asks, giving me a worried glance.

He’s been giving me the same glances all morning, probably because he’s worried that I’m going to lose my shit over what I’m about to do. But I’m just as worried about him, since our dad blackmailed him into doing this, too. And while I want to walk away, I can’t. Not unless I want our brother Alex to get hurt.

“Nah, I’m good.” Sucking in a breath, I lift my hand and knock on the door.

“Come in,” Dad calls out, the sound of his voice making my jaw instinctively tick.

“Keep it together,” Rhyland mumbles under his breath.

I’m unsure if he’s talking to me or himself. Still, I collect myself before opening the door.

Dad is sitting at his desk with a cup of coffee in his hand. He’s wearing a button-down shirt and tie, looking as if he’s an ordinary businessman.

It’s all a façade.

“Blaise, Rhyland,” he greets us with a nod, setting down the cup of coffee. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

“Like we had a choice,” Rhyland mutters, shaking his head.

I throw him a warning look. I may not like our dad but smarting off to him is never a good idea. Trust me; I have scars all over my body to prove it.

“Watch how you speak to me,” Dad warns, his gaze boring into Rhyland.

“Sorry, sir,” Rhyland bites out, his hands balled into fists at his sides.

Knowing I need to get us out of here as soon as possible, I step toward his desk and to the side so I’m blocking Rhyland from his view. It’s a protective instinct I’ve had for as long as I can remember, a need to protect my younger brothers, which is why Rhyland and I are even here. I just wish my father was only making me do this.

“I know it’s important that we came here this morning, but we need to be at school soon, so if we could make this quick, that would be great.” I struggle to keep my tone polite, the urge to scream at him biting underneath my flesh.

Dad’s gaze snaps to me, and he stares at me in a way that makes my scars burn. “You’re right. Being late for school is unacceptable, especially with it being the start of football season.”

“Do we really have to play this year?” Rhyland asks in a quiet tone.

“Yes, I have a lot of money riding on these games. Plus, I need you to keep the sons of my employees in check,” my father replies in a curt tone.

I honestly hate playing football, but what I hate even more is doing it so my dad can not only rig the games and win a ton of money through gambling, but also so we can bond with the sons of some of his more important employees. I’m pretty sure half the team is being forced to play.

“Now, let’s go over why I asked you here,” Dad says, picking up a manila folder from his desk. “I wanted to give you the details of the heist you two are going to do for me tonight.” He hands me the folder.

I reluctantly open it up and peer inside. “Who’s this woman in the photo?”

“That’s the person you’ll be heisting,” he explains. “You can look over everything later. Right now, you need to go to school.” He dismisses us by turning his attention to the computer on his desk.
