Page 169 of Chasing Hadley

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No, it’s the woman staring at me through the rolled down window.

A woman with eyes so similar to mine …


I start toward the SUV, my heart racing in my chest. But when I get halfway across the parking lot, the window is rolled up and the SUV quickly drives forward.

Scratching my head, I turn back and wander toward the diner, confusion flooding my mind.

It couldn’t have been her … could it?

Blaise is waiting for me when I reach the entrance, while Rhyland has already gone inside.

Blaise takes one look at my expression and frowns. “What’s wrong?” he asks, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Normally, I’d give him shit for the move, but right now, I’m too lost in confusion.

“I thought I just saw my mom in this car …” I shake my head, still a bit stunned. “But I’m sure it wasn’t her. I mean, there’s no way it could’ve been.”

His frown deepens, his gaze straying to the street. Then his forehead creases as he sinks into deep thought.

I want to go there, too, want to overanalyze this. But deep down, I know it’s pointless. There’s no way that could’ve been my mom, unless she somehow came back as a zombie. Which, yeah, as much as I love imagining that kind of stuff is true, I know it isn’t.

“You know what? Forget I said anything,” I tell Blaise. “Let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving.”

He nods, but his brows remain dipped as he holds open the door for me.

I refuse to allow myself to stay confused, to stress about it. Not when I have more important things to worry about. Not when there’s no way that woman could’ve been my mom.

Not unless she somehow died and came back to life. And stuff like that isn’t possible.



I’m notsure what to say or do as I follow Hadley into the diner. I mean, there’s no way it could be possible … And yet …

“What did the woman look like?” I ask as we head toward a corner booth where Rhyland is sitting with a menu opened up in front of him.

Hadley shrugs. “Long brown hair, the same color eyes as me … She honestly looked a lot like me, and a lot of people say I look like my mom, so …” She shrugs again, biting her bottom lip. “When I really think about it, though, it’s not like my looks are that unordinary. I’m sure there’re a ton of women out there who look similar to me.”

I try to bite back the words wanting to leave my lips but fail. “Yeah, that’s not even close to being true.”

Her brows furrow. “Um, yeah, it’s completely true.”

I shake my head, words continuing to pour out of me. “You’re gorgeous. But what really makes you stand out are these.” I touch the tip of my finger to the corner of her eye. “When I first saw you, they nearly startled me.”

“My plain green eyes startled you?” she questions in doubt.

“Your big, bright green eyes startled me,” I explain. “Seriously, they’re so vibrant and big and …” I shake my head, feeling another soup moment coming on. You know, the one where I once tried to flirt with a waitress by telling her she smelled like my favorite soup. “You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.” I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from saying anything else.

Hadley has made it pretty clear she wants to be friends with me and nothing more. And I should feel the same way with everything I have on my plate right now. Regardless, I’m drawn to her in a way I can’t fully understand, a way that makes me very uncomfortable and, apparently, sprout cheesy lines.

I wait for her to give me a lecture about flirting with her. Instead, her cheeks flush a bit and she quickly turns around.

“But yeah, anyway, the woman looked a lot like me,” she mutters as she starts toward the booth again. “And that’s why, for a moment, I thought she was my mom.”

My stomach drops as she says this, worry filling my mind.
