Page 179 of Chasing Hadley

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He cracks a small smile, but his eyes remain emotionless. “My brothers and I have a habit of getting into fights. Well, Jax not so much, but the rest of us do.”

I take the icepack from him. “Even Blaise?”

A smirk plays at his lips. “Figures he’s the one you’d ask about.”

I press the ice pack to my hand and let out a content sigh. God, that feels so good.

“Don’t do that.”

“Don’t do what?” he asks innocently as he presses the icepack against his jawline.

“Imply that I have a thing for your brother.” I rest my hip against the counter. “Blaise and I are just friends.”

“Well, in my defense, you follow him around like a little lovesick puppy, so what the hell am I supposed to think?”

I push away from the counter. “You know what? I don’t have time for this shit. I need to find my sister.” I spin around to leave, but he folds his fingers around my arm.

My first instinct is to slap his hand away, but then he says, “Chill out, okay? I’m going to help you find your sister.”

When he releases my arm, I turn around to face him.

Setting the ice pack down on the counter, he digs his phone out of his pocket. “Give me a second, and I’ll see if anyone I know has seen her.”

“Thanks,” I say as he starts to send out a text.

He shrugs. “Whatever. It’s not like I have anything better to do. Well, I guess I could always try to disappoint my father more, but that’s starting to get boring.” Though he flashes me a grin, pain shadows his eyes, something I’ve noticed is a common occurrence when the Porterson brothers speak of their father.

Which reminds me …

“So, are you going to tell me what my father did to make you hate me and my sisters?” I recline against the counter with my arms crossed. “Because you said you would.”

“You know, a thank you would be awesome.” He avoids my question as he pushes a couple of buttons on his phone.

“I already said it,” I point out. “Now tell me what my dad did.”

His gaze drops to the screen as he reads a message before looking up at me again. “I know where your sister is.” He stuffs his phone into his pocket then collects his car keys from off the counter. “Come on; I’ll give you a ride there and, on the way, I’ll tell you the awesome story of how your daddy dearest screwed my brothers and I over.”

Relief washes through me that he found my sister, but the idea of driving somewhere with him …

“Can’t you just give me the address?” I ask. “I’d rather drive there myself.”

“But then you wouldn’t get to hear my awesome story.” He grabs a pair of thick boots that are beside the back door then sits down in a chair. “And besides, they’re not going to let you into this party if I’m not there.”

I frown. “Why the hell not?”

He glances up at me as he laces his boot. “Because this party is exclusively for the offspring of my father’s lackeys.”

My heart sinks. My sister is at a party being thrown by August’s lackeys?

Shit, this is bad!

“Then, how did my sister get in?” I wonder worriedly.

He shrugs, pushing to his feet and grabbing a shirt from off the back of the chair. “She must know someone who got her inside, which means she’s probably friends with people who either have, or are going to, get her in a lot of trouble.”

I swallow the lump wedged in my throat. If what he’s saying is true, then Payton is probably already in some serious trouble, especially considering how much trouble my family is in with August Porterson.

He tugs his shirt over his head then twirls the keychain around his finger. “You ready to get this little shindig going?”
