Page 50 of Chasing Hadley

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“The only person getting hurt is Alex, and he’s doing it to himself,” he replies tightly, his knuckles whitening on the wheel.

I should feel better. Not telling anyone about this seems like an easy enough favor. And I shouldn’t care that Alex is hurting himself—the guy is a jerk. But the look in Blaise’s eyes … the self-tormenting guilt over something he can’t control … yeah, I’ve been there. With my sisters. With my father. Even with myself sometimes.

I swallow down the pain creeping up on me the best I can as Blaise parks in front of a singlewide trailer at the end of the bumpy road. The siding is peeling off, all the windows are boarded up, and half the roof is covered up with a tarp. The landscaping isn’t any better-looking either; the grass yellowing and covered in old car parts and tires. I’ve lived in my fair share of dumpy places and areas, but this house gives all those a run for their money. I mean, at least the homes we lived in had roofs.

“So, whose place is this?” I wonder as Blaise silences the engine.

He makes no move to get out, resting his arms on top of the steering wheel as he stares at the trailer. “It’s an … acquaintance of my father’s.”

“Oh.” His infamous father, the criminal who my dad might be working for.Lovely.

Blaise’s gaze skates to me. “From your tone, I’m guessing you’ve heard about my dad.”

“Well, I did read all that stuff about your family. The internet seems to have a lot to say about him,” I reply nonchalantly.

“Yeah, I forgot you did that.” He studies me with mild curiosity. “How did you do that anyway? Break into those records?”

I tap my finger against my lips. “Now, why would I tell you my secrets?”

“Come on,” he pleads. “In fact, it can be my favor for this morning.”

I shake my head,tskinghim. “Now, Blaise, you only get one a day, and you already used that one.”

“No one said I only get one a day.” When I still refuse to tell him, he sighs. “Fine, I’ll just ask you again tomorrow.”

“That’s really how you want to waste your favors?” I ask, digging my sunglasses out of my purse.

He shrugs, nibbling on his bottom lip as he surveys the trailer. “Seems like as good of a favor as any.”

“You know, you could always just ask Alex. I mean, I’m sure he can tell you all about my family’s secrets since he gathered all that info for the flyers.”

Wait. Why am I telling him this?

Question marks flood his eyes. “You say that like I didn’t have any part of it, which I did.”

Liar.But his protective nature toward his brother is something I can respect, so I decide not to tell him I know the truth.

I pick at my fingernails. “Okay, then maybe you already know the answer.”

He examines me suspiciously. “What do you know?”

“I know a lot of things,” I assure him with a sugary sweet smile. “I’m super clever. But I’m sure you’ve already caught on to that. Well, if you’re clever, too.”

“No, you know something about my family,” he accuses. “I can tell.”

“Would it matter if I did? I mean, yesterday Alex said it didn’t matter if I told the entire school about your family’s dirty laundry. That people already know everything about your family, and that they respect you too much to do anything. So, what would babbling a dirty little secret about you guys matter?”

“That’s nowhere near the truth,” he grumbles. “Alex just likes to run his mouth, which usually gets him in trouble.”

“Trouble like this?” I nod at the house.

“No, this is trouble he does to himself.”

I think I’m starting to get the gist of what’s going on inside that trailer, why Blaise had to drive out here. I’m not that surprised. I’ve wondered a few times if Alex was strung out.

“What’s he on?” I dare ask.

“What’s he not on?” He sinks back into the seat and looks me straight in the eye. “Look, Hadley, you have to swear to me that you won’t tell anyone about this. I know Alex and I have treated you like shit, but I really need you to do me a solid right now and let what’s about to happen stay between you, me, and Alex, okay? I don’t even want Rhyland to know.”
