Page 71 of Chasing Hadley

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He chews on his bottom lip as he stares at me . “Yeah, I know, but I still want you to stay over at my house for the night, just until we know for sure if you’re concussed. Then tomorrow, my brothers and I will make a plan on how we’re going to get your sisters back. I’m sure Blaise will know what to do since he’s kind of dealt with this shit before.”

I feel too disheartened to argue, so I nod and say, “All right, let me just grab some clothes first.” I head into the house, but when he trails after me, I pause. “Can I just have a few minutes? I promise I’ll come over as soon as I get my stuff.”

He dithers then nods. “Sure.”

I offer him what is probably the most miserable yet grateful smile then dash into the house.

The moment the door shuts, I collapse to the floor and cry for five minutes straight. That’s all the time I give myself—five minutes to break the fuck down. Then I dry my eyes and pull myself together, vowing to never break down again. To be strong. Because, if I’m ever going to have a chance to get guardianship of my sisters, that’s who I need to be.




After I grab my pajamas,I go over to the Portersons’ house like I said I would, where Rhyland and Blaise are waiting for me. Their house is surprisingly quiet.

“Hey,” Rhyland greets me when I walk in. “I was about to come looking for you. We were starting to get worried.”

“I’m fine.” Wow, that’s becoming my go-to answer, isn’t it? Rolling my eyes at my inability to lie better at the moment, I look at Blaise. “Are you okay with me staying here?”

“Wow, you must think he’s the boss or something?” Rhyland teases me as he stands up from the table.

“Isn’t he?” I question with a lift of my brow.

Rhyland shakes his head, a smile playing at his lips, and I’ll admit it’s a relief to see it instead of pity. “Nope. He just thinks he is.” He gives his brother a pat, to which Blaise responds with a shake of his head. Rhyland’s grin broadens then he winks at me. “I’ve got some homework to do, beautiful girl, but I’ll check in on you later.” With that, he walks out of the room.

Blaise lets out a quiet sigh. “Always the jokester.”

“Yeah, he kind of seems that way.”

He eyes me over curiously. “You let him call you beautiful girl.” It’s not really a question, but it sort of is.

“Oh I’ve tried to get him to stop, but he’s more stubborn than you,” I inform him. “And besides, I’m too damn tired to scold anyone right now.”

A small touches his lips, but it disappates quickly. Silence builds between us and I can tell he wants to say something, but is hesitant to.

“You never answered me when I asked you if it was okay if I stay here for the night,” I tell him, breaking the silence. “It’s fine if you don’t want me to. I’m honestly only here because Rhyland basically made me agree to stay here.”

“You’re perfectly fine,” he assures me. “I’ve already cleaned up my room for you too, if you want go put your stuff in there.”

“Oh. I thought I was staying in Rhyland’s room,” I say, adjusting the handle of my bag higher onto my shoulder. “But I can stay on the couch. It’s not a big deal.”

“You can stay in my room. It’s the cleanest of the rooms and I just made the bed so…” He shrugs.

“Well, thanks,” I say, unsure what else to say.

It’s so weird to be staying at their house.

He offers me a small, almost nervous smile then he nods for me to follow him up the stairs. “Alex is still sleeping the day off, so you probably won’t see him,” he tells me as he leads me up a stairway to his room. “Jaxon is in his room, playing video games, so one should bother you.” He wavers. “Well, Rhyland’s a little iffy on that, but if he starts bothering you, just come tell me.” He points to a cracked open door as we pass it. “That’s the bathroom, if you need to use it.” He stops in front of a shut door and opens it. “And here’s my room.” He motions me inside.

I step in, noting the space is shockingly clean. The bed is made, there are no clothes on the floor, and there’s minimal clutter.

“Are you a neat freak?” I ask.

He slants against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets. “No, not really. I actually hurried up and cleaned it before you came over here. Kicked a lot of stuff under the bed and tossed the rest in the closet.”

I laugh softly, and a small smile touches his lips. “That sounds like something Payton would do.”
