Page 73 of Empty Promises

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“Yeah, well, I don’t give a fuck what you have to say.”

Something flashed across Luxious’s face. It disappeared before I could decipher what it was. The little hairs on the back of my neck stood on edge, every warning bell told me I should back down, but my instincts could shove it. I wasn’t bowing to any man, especially Luxious. It was the fucking principle of it.

“Maybe you’re just not the man for the job, Luxious,” a guy behind me said. “Breaking street trash is a real man’s job.”

My back stiffened, and I glanced over at him. He was the same guy who’d tried to do more than capture me the night of the party. Three more guys stood behind him. “And you are?”

He looked me up and down and shrugged. “Sure, if I were into trash.”

Why did they think that was the worst insult in the world? I’d heard far worse. Rolling my eyes, I turned back to Luxious and ignored him.

“I’m going back to the cafeteria and grabbing something to eat.”

“I already got you some,” Hawke said.

I cocked a brow at him. When did he leave? “Please, don’t tell me you beat someone up for it.”

Hawke nodded. “I won’t tell you.”

Rem relaxed back in her seat and laughed. “He did, and you know it.”

It was a salad with a chicken sandwich. Not the burger I wanted.

“You want something else?” Hawke asked.

If I said yes, how many other people would get their ass beat?Do I care?

Samson stood up, and Rem followed. I was so lost in trying to figure out what to tell Hawke that I’d ignored the tension that was building between Luxious and the rapey guy.

Luxious didn’t stand as he reached across the table and grabbed hold of the guy’s shirt. He yanked him down. Rem, Hawke, and Samson were moving in sync with Luxious. No order had been given. It was as if they could read each other’s minds.

Rem had a knife pressed to one of the guy’s neck. Hawke had another already on the floor, and Samson had two kneeling with their arms bent back.

Holy fuck.It had all happened so fast that my brain was still playing catch up.

“You’ve gotten a little too mouthy, Bolton.” Luxious slammed a knife into the table. “Everyone, out.”

The library cleared in seconds, leaving the guys who’d thought it was a good idea to talk shit and us. Not even the librarian stayed behind.

“You can’t do this,” Bolton said. He attempted to break free, but I knew firsthand how strong Luxious hold was.

“I can do whatever I want.” A smile fitting the devil appeared on his face, and my heart skipped a beat.

Samson cleared his throat. “His father has a total of three mistresses. Two of them have sons, one the same age as him.” He pulled his phone out. “All cameras are offline.”

I felt slightly out of place, but I wasn’t going anywhere either. The beating Hawke had given him the night of the party wasn’t enough. Luxious let Bolton go but was over the table in seconds. I don’t know why I thought Luxious was more of give orders and sit-back kind of guy. I couldn’t be more wrong.

His fist pounded into Bolton as they traded blows. It was clear to see who was a superior fighter as Bolton took a punch to the chin. He went down, trying multiple times to get up, only to fall.

Rem was right next to him, going back and forth with a guy at least a foot taller than her and had her body weight in muscles on him. She had a smile on her face as she brought her booted foot down across his face. He twisted around, his arms flinging as he crashed to the floor. Blood splattered all over the carpet, and I felt bad for the janitors. It was going to be a bitch removing the stains.

What took me back was the look on Samson’s face. His eyes held a shine to them. For a split second, I swore I saw a real smile.

Hawke toyed with the guy he had not bothered to dodge as he took the hits head-on, giving them back right back. A resounding crunch could be heard over the fighting. I knew the sound of bones breaking anywhere.

I took a bite of my salad, watching it all unfold. The green leaves weren’t a burger, but it wasn’t bad either. I shoveled more food into my mouth as a scream pierced the air. Hawke started laughing.

Knowing someone is batshit crazy and seeing it solidified was a different story. His eyes were gleaming as if he was only getting started. He was cute, laughing like a lunatic after breaking the guy’s arm.
