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Mia’s gaze flashed from hurt to disbelief to challenge. She’d obviously never had a man not fall at her feet, begging for a chance. He wasn’t claiming it would be easy, but as they said in BUD/S training, “The only easy day was yesterday.” He rubbed at his neck as they studied each other. That was definitely true in this situation.

Zeke would stay strong. He hadn’t failed himself yet. He’d never been tempted by a woman before, though.

She slid out of her coat in the most attractive move he’d ever seen a lady do and tossed it at him. He caught it with his free hand and inhaled lemon candy. She gave him a challenging, sassy smile. Yep, she knew exactly how enticing she was.

Mia turned and pranced toward the basement stairs. Zeke dropped his bag, and her coat on top of it, and followed.

Stay strong, he begged himself. Not letting himself fall for her would be harder than catching the Sneaky Stalker.



Mia traipsed down the basement steps. She could benefit from one of Charlie’s big, welcoming grins after dealing with Zeke’s obvious reluctance to be close to her or touch her and Blaine’s bad attitude and the leering look in his eyes. She didn’t know why she’d ever dated that creep. He’d been controlling and pompous. Reminded her of her dad, actually.

Zeke during that interaction with Blaine had been … incredible. Seeing him instinctively step in front of her to protect her while whipping out that gun and looking like the hero from every girl’s daydreams? Blindingly brilliant. It made her hot all over just thinking about it. The captain was definitely confident, which she wanted in a man, just not pushing over the line to cocky like Blaine, swaggering around like she should beg him to date her. Blaine was an arrogant jerk. Zeke should’ve been the same with all his awards, talents, and big, lovely muscles, but there was a humility and sometimes an awkwardness about Zeke that really appealed to her.

A frown tugged at her lips immediately.I never fall for anyone.What kind of mangy line was that? It was fine if Zeke didn’t fall for other women. Ideal and appealing, actually, if Mia could be the only one who could secure such a man’s heart. But the way he’d said it and the chilly way he’d looked at her. He planned to stay upright and strong around her. Whether because he was protecting her or because he wasn’t interested, she couldn’t be sure.

She probably shouldn’t try to tempt and tease him. It was most important that he was the elite soldier of the century and on her side. He was her own personal Rambo. Her dad had been irate when he had caught her and her friends drooling over the Rambo and Terminator movies on more than one Friday night as young teenagers. Now the real-life Rambo was much tougher and more fascinating than the movie one had been, but she still couldn’t pursue him. She’d try to focus on gratitude for such a man’s protection and how scared she had been when she’d realized it wasn’t some silly broken-hearted ex sending her love notes but the creepy, elusive, and always-successful Sneaky Stalker. Staying safe from being captured and trafficked was what mattered, but dang, she’d love to get to know Captain Zeke better in the process. Had a man that captivating ever entered her sphere? Not in her memory.

Striding into the control room, she heard Zeke’s surprisingly light tread behind her. He moved stealthily for such a big bloke.

“There she is,” Charlie called out happily, spinning the chair that faced all the monitors, leaping up, and hurrying to give her a hug.

She heard a sound like a growl from behind her. Glancing back at Zeke, she was surprised that his eyes were more gray than blue, and he looked ready to rip Charlie apart. Oh my, the male ego sometimes. She’d liked his protection from Blaine, but she didn’t need it from funny Charlie, who was by far her favorite of her father’s security team.

Was it just male ego, or was Zeke hiding the interest he might have in her? She’d been certain a few times that his gaze had been longing or full of warmth and the few innocent touches they’d shared had felt like heaven on her skin. She liked the possibilities.

Mia stepped back, not wanting another altercation with her security men. Patting Charlie’s smooth baby face, she teased, “Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.”

He laughed, acting as if her imitation of a YouTube video was the funniest thing ever. “I’ve been watching you, love.” He winked, but it wasn’t lurid with him. Simply fun. “And you, big chap.” Charlie extended his hand to Zeke. “I fancy the way you got under Lewis’s skin. Caught the film.” He gestured to the monitors. “That prick is the most arrogant cretin.”

“Charlie,” she admonished, trying to hide her laughter though he was dead on about Blaine. “You’re all supposed to get on.”

Zeke shook his hand briefly, then folded his arms across his chest. Even with long sleeves on, she could see the bulging muscles in his arms. He stood all stiff and straight and absolutely military. She wondered if it hurt to flex all of his glorious muscles at the same time like that.

“We try.” Charlie smiled. “Well, I’m trying.”

Charlie was a fit, lean guy, over six-five and with the cutest baby face, dimples, and sparkling blue eyes. He’d only worked for her dad for a couple of months, but instantly he’d become her favorite of her father’s security guys. He’d asked her out a few times, but she always eluded him. She didn’t want him upset with her like Blaine always was, and despite how much she liked him, she wasn’t attracted to him and instinctively knew they’d never fit. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings and spell it out like that so she evaded.

“Mr. Delta was bragging you up to me,” Charlie told Zeke. “The Medal of Honor from your President, even.” He whistled. “Impressive. Very impressive.”

“Thank you,” Zeke said.

“I’m grateful you’re here for our Lady Mia.” He bowed to her.

“Don’t call me that.” Mia swatted at him. She didn’t know Charlie that well, but they chatted whenever she went to visit her mum or when she attended a function with her parents. He felt like the brother she’d never have. A lot like Holly’s nephews, Aiden, Thor, Chandler, and Hudson. It was such a hoot to see them all wind each other up. Holly’s boy Colton and her nephew Greer were much too frank. She’d learned they never stepped up to banter no matter how she annoyed them, but the rest were always good for a go at some innocent teasing.

“That is impressive,” she said, turning to Zeke. “Isn’t that the highest medal in your military?”

He nodded shortly, obviously not wanting to highlight his accomplishments. Of course this guy wouldn’t ask for or accept any praise. It was enough for him that everybody knew he was a lethal weapon and to not cross him. Rambo for sure. Mia wanted to cross him, tease him, get him to willingly touch her. She could list a lot of things she wanted with Captain Zeke, but she doubted she’d receive any of them.

He focused on Charlie. “I’m looking forward to serving with you as well.” The words were stiff, but he was at least making an attempt at cordiality with Charlie, instead of pointing a big gun at him like he had Blaine. Though she’d secretly loved that and doubted she’d ever get that macho military man image out of her head. Simply brilliant.

“Do you have any information for me beyond what Joseph relayed?” Zeke quickly moved on from greetings and praise. “I doubt Commander Lewis will share much with me.”

Charlie sat back down in the swivel chair and leaned back, stretching out his long legs and gazing up at the two of them. “Hmm. Let me think on that. We’ve gone through all of Mia’s personal effects.” He winked at her as if they’d gotten personal, and Mia felt Zeke stiffen beside her. Could he possibly get any stiffer? She liked him tough, but she didn’t want him uncomfortable. She wanted to rub his back and tell him to calm down, but she was afraid he wouldn’t react well. “No tracking device or anything like that,” Charlie said.

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