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“Too late,” Mia hurled at him.

Zeke studied Lewis. Was this guy the Stalker? It would all play into what he was doing, ticking them all off, trying to get Zeke out of the picture, lying to the duke.

“Why did you lie to my dad?” Mia demanded. “How dare you claim I’m sleeping around and accuse Zeke of starting a fight? You’re such a barmy loser. Zeke has won at every turn, and you can’t handle being second best so now you’re trying to get him sacked?”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Lewis shook his head and kept his hands out as if in a gesture of peace. “I did not tell the duke you slept with anybody, and I did not tell him the captain started any fights. I haven’t spoken with the duke since earlier this morning, before my workout.”

“Ah,” Mia gasped. “Nobody believes you. You’ve lied and acted like a prat at every turn. Why would we want you around? How could we ever trust you? Go home, Blaine. I am firing you. Go home.”

Lewis’s eyes narrowed. “Mia. You can hate me and think I’m a lying prat, but I am not leaving when your safety is in jeopardy. You can’t trust someone you just met yesterday.” He gestured to Zeke.

Zeke growled low in his throat. It was obviously time to dismantle this guy again.

Lewis took a step back and kept his hands out. “It galls me to admit that you can best me in a fight,” he said all calm and diplomatic. “I had planned to apologize for my conduct in the lake. I shouldn’t have tried to choke you out. I wasn’t trying to kill you; I just wanted to win. I thought you’d tap out, or I was prepared to release you. I’ve never … not won.” His mouth twisted. “But if you care for Mia at all, you will realize that dismissing me will put her in danger.” He stared at Zeke as if willing him to listen to him. To trust him.

Zeke was surprised by the speech. He hadn’t liked this guy for a second. Was it just because Lewis was competition, a cocky jerk, or was it something deeper? He agreed with Mia. How Lewis thought any of them could trust him, he had no idea.

Joseph stepped forward and studied Lewis. “I have no idea why, but I’m inclined to believe him.”

“What?” Holly demanded.

“The duke is a pompous jerk at times, but he adores his wife and I know he loves Mia, no matter how he acted earlier. Commander Lewis has been head of the duke’s security for four years and had an exemplary record with the Royal Navy. He wouldn’t have achieved success in either area if he lived on lies and deception.”

Zeke did not like where Joseph was going with this. There was a whole slew of honorable, unselfish, and exemplary men and women in all the armed forces, but there were moles and jerks and liars too.

“Do your job and don’t give us any reason to question you,” Joseph said sternly. “We won’t dismiss you right now, unless we find proof we should. If you offend anybody in this valley and give us a reason, we will send you packing. And I mean anybody. Understood?”

Lewis’s blue eyes flashed. He obviously hated being commanded or talked down to, but he nodded shortly. “Again, I apologize for my … conduct. Mia’s safety is all that matters to me.”

“You have an odd way of showing it,” Mia shot at him.

Zeke squeezed her hand. He loved her spice. Unfortunately, they were a long way from that almost-kiss in the bathroom earlier. Would they have time to recreate that moment, those feelings, or would it get buried in the mission? Lewis was right about one thing. Mia’s safety was all that mattered. Zeke was far too invested in the woman herself, and he couldn’t allow her to get taken or hurt.

“But Joseph is correct that Blaine has been dedicated to my dad and I don’t believe he would fail in his duties.”

Lewis nodded to her, then looked at Zeke. “I’m sorry.”

The words were obviously difficult for Lewis. It was impressive he had made the effort and spit them out, but if he was lying about everything, it might just be part of his ploy. He stepped forward and extended his hand to Zeke.

Zeke grimaced. Despite the gains he’d made with Mia, he loathed human touch more strongly than he ever had at this moment. Especially if he had to touch someone like Lewis.

“Can we work together?” Lewis asked. “To ensure Mia’s safety.”

Zeke wanted to bat his hand away and then give him another bloody nose. But he looked down at Mia. Her brown eyes were asking him to try. She’d stood up beautifully to her dad, but she probably didn’t want to be estranged from him completely. Letting Lewis stay was a peace offering of sorts. He gritted his teeth and focused back on Lewis. He could do anything for Mia.

Zeke extended his hand. They shook briefly, both pulling away quick. Obviously, Lewis didn’t like Zeke any more than Zeke liked Lewis.

Lewis nodded to all of them, murmured, “Thank you,” to Joseph, and then he turned and strode to the entry and down the stairs, probably going to the command center.

“What did you make of that?” Holly murmured.

“I’m very confused,” Joseph admitted. “But I think he’s an ally, and a strong one.” He looked at Zeke. “Let’s head to my house. Eat some lunch and ... talk.”

Mia squeezed Zeke’s hand. He gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. Joseph’s message was clear. They couldn’t talk here. And they needed to talk and research and see what they could find out about Lewis, the duke, the stalker, the two guys who’d dated Mia and had disappeared, the rest of the duke’s security staff, even happy-go-lucky Charlie.

They’d figure this out and he’d keep Mia safe, but it was uncomfortable to not only have a deep dislike for a soldier on his team, but to not have any idea who to trust.

It should’ve been uncomfortable how close he felt to Mia, but that was the only thing that felt right to him now.
