Page 10 of Beautiful Agony

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I am sitting here watching my mate lay in a hospital bed with machines hooked up to her. A vitals machine to watch her vitals, and oxygen machine to help her breath, and an IV that is pumping liquids into her body. I lost it when I saw her turn blue and collapse to the floor when we rescued her. We have been here for over an hour and they have taken so many vials of blood from her for tests.

“The doctor is coming in to speak to you,” Ryan says as he enters the room with the doctor right behind him. I nod and take Trinity's hand in mine.

“I am Dr. Wayne. We ran some blood tests and found out she has Aplastic Anemia,” he explains.

“What's that?”

“She isn’t producing enough red blood cells in her bone marrow,” he answers and I look over at my beautiful woman. How can fate put this on us? We just found each other and I can’t lose her.

“What is the treatment, doc?” Ryan asks.

“Blood transfusion would be the first option. If that doesn’t work, stem cell transplant. There is something else we found. She's pregnant.”

“W-what?” I stutter, and Ryan looks at me with so many emotions in his eyes.

“Will she lose our baby?”

“She will be at high risk but the baby could survive.”

“I will give you time to think and be back to start her on the blood transfusion. We actually have someone working at the hospital with her blood type and is willing to donate,” he says and leaves the room.

“I’m so sorry, man,” Ryan says and I nod. She’s pregnant and we may lose our child. A tear slips down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away. I can’t lose it right now because she needs me to be strong. I can’t think of what would have happened if we didn’t make it to her on time. I don’t think I could have forgiven myself if she had died. I may have given the other guys shit about falling but now that I am here and she is on the brink of death, I take everything I have ever said to them back. I now know why they fought so hard to keep their mates safe.



Three months later…

“Your child is getting big,” Trinity says and I place my hand in her stomach. We are lying on the couch after watching a movie. We have moved into the house at the ranch and I have been traveling for work. The blood transfusion was a success, and they said it could go away or she could have it for the rest of her life. We also found out that her mother had it and she had also survived it. Not long after is when her father murdered her. She is still getting over that and talking to the company shrink about what she’s gone through.

“I love you so much, darlin’,” I say and look into her eyes. She smiles and plants a quick kiss on my lips.

“I love you, too, my sexy vampire,” she says and I position myself over her and she spreads her legs for me. She knows when I want her pussy and doesn’t complain about it. I unzip my pants and grab my dick, pushing into her until I’m fully in. I have to be careful not to crush our baby. We found out that she is three months last week. Another two weeks and we can find out the gender of our precious package.

“Brant, move,” she whines and I pull out and slam back into her. She moans and arches her body into mine. I continue thrusting in and out of her and loving every cry and scream that comes out of her. Her pussy clamps down on me and my body becomes tense.

“Ahh!” she cries out and I release, emptying into her. I pull out and get up to go find something to wipe us off with. I sit down on the end of the couch and grab her feet, putting them in my lap. She smiles and rubs her stomach like she always does after sex. The baby is very active, and it takes a while for him or her to settle down. I am rooting for a boy, and her a girl. It really doesn’t matter to me as long as the baby is healthy. Three months ago I almost lost them both and I thank God every day that I still have them. In a couple weeks, I plan on proposing to her then taking her on a romantic getaway. Life is too short and I want to live the rest of ours happy and loved.

The End
