Page 58 of Falling for Rome

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Rome stretched the small space separating us and pressed his lips against mine in the softest, sweetest kiss ever.

After a few beats he took the kiss deeper, tangling his tongue with mine. Just as my pulse sped up, he pulled away with a groan. “You are lethal, woman. We gotta stop. We definitely don’t need any indecency charges to cap off our night.”

I had to bite my lip to stop my smile. No doubt he’d take that as permission to go for the indecency charge. The thought of what the headlines would read tomorrow kept me firmly lodged on my side of the SUV.

“I should probably tune in the channel, so we get the audio.” Rome fiddled with his phone, and after a moment, the preshow music filtered through the aftermarket speakers. “And I think Jeff arranged some snacks for us here somewhere.”

I twisted around and saw the small red cooler sitting behind me. Reaching over, I pushed it open and gasped. “Oh my god. How did you know I loved Red Vines and Cherry Coke?”

“I have my sources,” Rome replied cryptically. “The Reese’s Pieces are for me.”

I grabbed a bag and tossed it to him and grabbed my snacks. “No soda for you?”

“Nah. Shouldn’t even be eating candy, but it’s the movies. Grab me a water, please.”

I handed over a bottle of water and grabbed a soda for myself. I didn’t know what to say or do. I’d been on dates before, but this was different. We were doing everything out of order. The illusion of dates. Pseudo friendship. Then we slept together. And now, we were on our first date. I should feel more comfortable around him—I’d seen his orgasm face—but I still felt so jittery and unsure.

“How about we take a picture?” Rome asked with a smile. “I want a picture of us, just for us. To commemorate our first official date.”

“Oh.” My cheeks heated. I love that he thought of that. And I knew it would be one I’d look at over and over again just to prove to myself that this was real.

“Yes, I’d love to take a picture.”

“Okay. Let’s use your phone.” Rome wrapped an arm around my shoulders and took my phone with his other hand. “Smile.”

I grinned like a fool while he took the picture. But he didn’t stop at one. We took smiling pictures. Silly faces pictures. Zoolander model serious pictures. And for the last one, he kissed my cheek. I had to close my eyes as they prickled with tears. It was sweet and tender and made my heart skip a beat.

With his face still so close to mine, I turned my head and kissed him. My phone fell to the floor with a clunk as his arms wrapped around me. And just when my last sane thought threatened to leave, as I clutched at his soft, cotton shirt, the rattle of a jail cell opening and movie dialogue blasted through the vehicle.

Rome pulled away. “Movie’s starting.”

“Yeah.” I collapsed back into my seat with a sigh. “The movie. Right.”

“Back to our fifties date where we sit here like good citizens and hold hands.”

My lips twitched. “Right. No funny business.”

“Except for the truffle shuffle.”

“And the pinchers of power.”

“Why did I even bring you here? We could’ve sat at home and just recounted the movie to each other. No screen even needed.”

“And bonus points for proximity to a bed.”

“That’s it. Let’s go.” Rome moved to get up.

“What? No! I was kidding.” Despite our crazy chemistry I still wanted to see the movie. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been to a drive-in. Or seenGoonies.

“So was I.”

I giggled. “You got me. You know you should think about going into acting. I think you have a gift.”

Rome rolled his eyes, reached out, and held my hand. His thumb caressed my hand as we watched the Fratellis’ high-speed chase.

Tonight would go down as my number one favorite movie memory. Rome and I laughed at all the same parts. We talked about how ridiculous it was that all the ropes were still intact on the ship, despite the moisture in Oregon. And we cheered when the boys saved their families’ homes.

After the movie ended, we hung out in the back of the SUV while the parking lot emptied out. While we waited, Rome regaled me with stories of him and his brothers trying to find their One-Eyed Willie treasure since they grew up near where the movie was filmed.
