Page 64 of Falling for Rome

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I leaned down and kissed the tip of Sophia’s nose. She closed her eyes, and I swore as another tear streaked down her cheek.

“Sophia?” My heart raced when she didn’t reply. Shit. What could I say or do to make up for being such an unrelenting asshole? I took a step back and was starting to panic when she finally spoke.

“Between waking up still clothed and alone in your bed and then Jeff telling me about the ring, I’ve had such a huge case of whiplash. I just…” Her voice broke, and she had to stop to clear her throat. “I really thought we were being real with each other and then to find out you wanted to play up to the press again, I was—”

“I get it. I do. Sometimes I say or do things in the heat of the moment when I really just need to take a breath and think. I swear I’m gonna start. Especially when it comes to decisions about you—about us.”

“No more plans with Jeff that involve me?”


“Okay,” she whispered.

I stopped breathing, not sure what I just heard. “Okay? What’s okay? Are we okay? Are you okay?”

She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Yes. If you mean what you say—that you’re going to start consulting me when you make decisions about us—then yes, we’re and I’m okay.”

“Thank fucking god.” I closed the distance between us, bent down and kissed her with everything I had. All the tension leached out of my body when she kissed me back. It was okay. We’d be okay.

Breaking the kiss, I smiled down at her. “Any interest in going to the studio with me?”

The joy in her eyes flattened. “Seriously, Rome? We just talked about this.”

I shook my head. “We can get in and out without getting our pictures taken. I just thought you’d like to see a film set, talk to a few producers, or you could bring your laptop and hole up in my trailer all day. Please? I’d love to be able to hang out with you between takes.”

“Since you begged so prettily, yes, I will.” Sophia bit her bottom lip, all bashful like.

I wanted to drag her into the shower with me, but forty minutes wasn’t enough time for all I had to make up to her and all the naughty things I wanted to do to her. But damn was I temped.

I leaned down and kissed her again. “All right, let’s get ready. We’re leaving in less than an hour.”

Sophia sighed and gave me a wide-eyed look like she was nervous. But I really believed she’d like it. She wanted to write movies. She needed to see a working film lot. And hopefully, sharing my world with her would bring us closer. I had so much stupidity to make up for.

I was so fucking lucky to have her in my life. I just hoped she didn’t wise up and figure out she could do so much better than me.

Chapter Eighteen


I held my breath the entire time we idled at the security gates at Lumiere Brothers Studios. I wish I could’ve called my bestie, but I didn’t want to rub Molly’s nose in my good news when I’d been the one to disrupt her life so much.

Me coming today had been so spur of the moment. What if they wouldn’t let me in? Would Jeff drive me back? Call me a car service? Would that pack of photographers over there get a ton of pictures of my rejection? It would be all over the tabloids in minutes.

Roman Grier’s Girlfriend Rejected By Security

Roman Grier’s Loser Girlfriend Escorted Off Set

Molly would’ve understood why I was mentally freaking out. And she would’ve been great at grounding me and keeping me from freaking out about it. I missed talking to her so much.

“You okay?” Rome asked as we sat in the back seat of his Escalade while Jeff talked to security. His hand covered mine, and only then did I notice the death grip I had on the skirt of my summer dress.

“Is there a problem with getting me in? Why is it taking so long?”

Rome laughed. “We sorted out your security pass earlier. It shouldn’t be much longer.”

Sure enough, thirty seconds later, Jeff swung back into the driver’s seat. “Sorry about that. Vinnie had baby pictures he couldn’t stop showing off.”

“Oh wow. Jessica had her baby?” Rome asked as we pulled through the gates. “We’ll have to send them flowers. Or diapers? Can you send a diaper gift basket?”
