Page 65 of Falling for Rome

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“I’ll look into it,” Jeff murmured as he navigated the narrow lot streets.

My heart melted at Rome’s sweet gesture. He knew exactly who Jeff was talking about and wanted to send them a gift. This man. So incredibly wonderful.

“All right.” Jeff stopped the car, idling next to a fleet of huge, white trailers. “I’ll go park and be by with your call sheet in a few.”

“Knock first,” Rome said with a twitch of his eyebrows.

My whole body flushed at the innuendo in his tone. “Really, Rome?”

“What?” He grabbed my computer bag before I could, jumped out of the SUV, and held the door open for me. “Maybe I’m the one who plans on being naked. It’s not like I told Jeff I planned on nailing you the second the door was closed.”

“No, but you could’ve waited until this door was closed before sayingthat,” I muttered as I slid across the seat and stepped out of the vehicle on Rome’s side. I’d been tempted to open my own door. But I couldn’t resist the sweet gesture. Even if it came with a pervy comment.

That made me think about all the naughty things we’d done only a few nights ago.

I bit my lip and refused to meet Rome’s gaze as he grabbed my hand. I knew he’d be able to tell what I was thinking with only a glance. My nipples were all but broadcasting my horniness with the way they pressed against the top of my sundress. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone braless today.

Rome didn’t say anything as he led me past a few large, white trailers. I craned my neck but aside from a few people way down the street, I couldn’t see a soul. Were we early? Where was everyone else?

At the fourth trailer, Rome stopped in front of the fluttering paper taped to the door. With a slight nod, he pulled me up the few steps, ripped the page off the door, and opened the door with a flourish. “Welcome to our humble abode for the next few weeks. When we’re not at our other home. There has to be a better way to phrase that. Rewrite?”

I laughed and rolled my eyes as I stepped past him. “You are ridiculous.”

“Hey, I’m not used to coming up with my own lines. You gotta give me some leeway.”

“You do not need any help being even more charming…” The rest of my retort flew out of my head as I took in the opulence around us. I’d been expecting a standard motorhome kind of trailer, but this was anything but.

We stepped straight into the kitchen area which was all gleaming with a stovetop and a minifridge underneath what looked like granite counter tops. Across from me was a booth, with a glossy wooden tabletop and plush leather benches. Aside from the kitchen area, there was a large seating area on my left of leather couches, two chairs, and I swore I wasn’t making this up, an electric fireplace. In atrailer. On my right, were two closed doors which must’ve hidden a bathroom and bedroom. Or maybe one of them hid the secret path back to reality. This place was insane. Everywhere I looked was leather and expensive looking wood. The only serviceable part of the trailer appeared to be the flooring which I thought looked like vinyl. But even that was nicer than any vinyl I’d ever seen.

“So what do you think?” Rome asked as he crowded into the space behind me. “Does it meet with your approval, Ms. Screenwriter?”

“This is nicer—and I’m pretty sure bigger—than my current apartment. Are you kidding me?”

Rome shoved his hands in his pockets as his forehead wrinkled. “It can’t be bigger than your current apartment. I thought that was a two-bedroom place.”

“It is. And your trailer is definitely bigger.” I looked around again and sighed. This all just felt so surreal. Was this really my life?


Actually, this was Rome’s life. I was just along for the ride. Like a leech. I hadn’t done anything to earn these surroundings. I wassleepingwith the man who’d earned it.

“What’s wrong?” Rome stepped further into the room, placing my computer bag down on the table. “All your impressed giddiness is gone. What’s going on in your head right now?”

“Nothing. I’m fine.” I forced a smile that I really didn’t feel. “What’s your first call time? Shouldn’t you be getting dressed or makeup or something?”

Rome eyed me suspiciously as he bent down and grabbed the sheet of paper he’d taken off the door that had fallen onto the floor. His eyes passed quickly over the page before he glanced at the large silver watch on his left wrist. “I have thirty minutes to get to wardrobe, and that’s assuming everything’s on schedule. So what’s going on? You looked pretty pleased with this whole setup and now you’re not.”

“It’s nothing. I’m fine.” I gritted my teeth into a smile again. I really didn’t want to have to explain my sudden moodiness. It didn’t feel good to realize you were a leech. And it’d feel worse to explain to the uber successful movie star why being surrounded by his excess made me feel less than. Heck, I couldn’t even hold down a job right now, and I had no idea how I’d be paying my rent in a week.

My eyes sheened with tears, but I determinedly blinked them away. I could break down later—afterRome left me alone in his plush movie trailer.

“Well, if you’re not going to tell me. I’ll just have to torture you for the information.” Rome smiled menacingly as he stepped toward me. The fire in his eyes let me know exactly what he meant by ‘torture.’

I took an involuntary step backward. “Shouldn’t you be running lines or something? Getting ready for filming? Meditating maybe?”

“Nope.” Rome shook his head as he slowly followed me. “I know all my lines, and I don’t meditate. I got nothing but time.”

Anticipation sent my heartrate skittering. All my worries left me as an expression of feral hunger swept over Rome’s face.
