Page 72 of Falling for Rome

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When we reached craft services, it still felt like all the eyes in the area were on me. And sure enough, I spotted someone at the other end of the table staring at me. Her cheeks flushed when I caught her looking, and she gave me an apologetic smile before she joined her friend at the coffee station.

As I walked by, I heard the friend say to her, “You know she’s only with him for one reason.”

“Because he’s hot? Or because he’s rich?” My starer whispered back.

“No, apparently she’s an aspiring screenwriter. And you know who has amazing connections?”

I turned away, not wanting to hear the rest of their conversation. It wasn’t true. Rome and I really were a couple. And no way was I going to use him for his connections.

I was too busy using him for his amazing body.

I grinned to myself as I loaded up a plate next to Jeff, who, despite the Cocoa Pebbles he scarfed down every morning at Rome’s house, was filling up a plate too.

I cleared my throat. “Jeff, can I ask you a favor?”

“Wouldn’t be a favor. My job is to make Rome happy and if you’re happy, Rome is happy, so lay it on me.”

“We both know that’s not true. You’re so much more than Rome’s errand boy. Don’t even try to sell yourself short.” That was my specialty. “And this really would be a favor.”

“Okaaay.” Jeff turned to me and cocked his head. “What is it?”

“When we get back to Rome’s house tonight, could you help me out with the printer? I need to print out my screenplay, and I don’t want to screw up Rome’s home office.”

“Yeah, sure. You got everything you wanted here?”


He headed toward the trailer. “You do edits on hard copy?”

“You heard that?”

“Yeah. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.”

I sighed. I was still getting used to the lack of privacy that came with dating Rome. It seemed like no matter where we were, someone was always listening. “That’s okay. I figured I’d switch it up and try something new. Print out a copy and do some edits that way since I won’t be getting feedback from my usual circle.”

Jeff tossed me a pained expression. Clearly he realized he’d opened up a can of worms. “What’s your screenplay about?”

“I have a few rom-coms, and I just finished drafting a hidden treasure romantic caper.” I knew he was just being nice, but I also didn’t want to be a bitch and brush him off either. “Kinda likeRomancing the Stonemeets the Old West. I mean, it takes place in the present, but the treasure was hidden in the Old West. Kinda likeNational Treasurebut on a smaller, more intimate scale. Or something…” I trailed off awkwardly.

Jeff chuckled. “You might want to work on your elevator pitch.” He walked up the three steps leading to Rome’s trailer and pulled out a key. After unlocking the door, he swung it open, holding it for me. “But sure. I’ll help you out with the printer tonight or tomorrow morning, depending on what time we get out of here. And if it helps any, I’d be happy to read it. Sounds fun. I like movies like that, but I don’t have a ton of experience reading those kinda screenplays. Rome doesn’t get offered those roles very often.”

I stepped inside the trailer and set down my plate before turning to Jeff who stood in the doorway. “You’re sweet. But I need to edit it before anyone gets their eyes on it. It’s a bit of a train wreck right now. Promise me you won’t read it or let Rome see it. It’s not ready yet.”

“Sure, I understand. How about you email it to me, and I’ll see if I can print it out while we’re here? And if not, then I’ll do it when we get back home.”

“Sure. Let me get something for you to write your email address down.” I found a scrap of paper for him to use and hovered awkwardly over his shoulder while he wrote. “Thanks so much for doing this for me.”

“No problem. I’m gonna head back, unless there’s anything else you need?”

“No, I’m good. Thanks.”

“See ya.” Jeff shut the door behind him. The trailer rocked slightly as he stomped down the outside stairs.

I let out a breath. That’d been awkward and painful and totally true to form for me. But I had a plan for edits. Yay!

I ate a few bites as I emailed Jeff my screenplay and was just pulling up the rom-com I wanted to tweak when my cell chimed with an incoming text.

Looking down at the display, my breath seized in my chest.
