Page 71 of Falling for Rome

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“Yeah, yeah.” I waved a hand at Jeff, who was apparently still standing in the doorway. “I’ll be there in a second.”

Just as soon as this erection deflated, and I could walk again.

Chapter Twenty


Sitting in Rome’s on-set chair and watching all the hustle and bustle around me was enthralling—at first. It was magical watching all the people it took to make a film do their jobs. Make-up, costume, grips, props, directors, camera operators, extras, the list went on and on. All of them were buzzing around busily, working hard to make someone’s script come to life. Maybe that someone could be me one day. Just the thought of it made my fingers itch.

I even met Rome’s costar. I hadn’t thought it was possible, but Megan Ross was even more gorgeous in person than on film. She was nice, if a little busy, like everyone else here.

But by the fourth time they’d run through the same scene, the sheen started to fade. Rome was still as passionate in the fifth take. He never lost his energy, which was amazing. By the sixth take, I felt likeIknew the lines well enough to give it a go. By the eighth, I might’ve mouthed the words to myself. Judging by the smile he was trying to hide after the scene was over, Rome had spotted me doing it.

He came over to me during their reset and gave me a quick kiss. “What do you think?”

“It’s amazing. All the people and energy and just…” I shook my head. “Honestly, it makes my fingers itch. You guys are bringing someone’s story to life, and I so want that to be one of mine. Would you mind if I headed back to the trailer to get some words in?”

“Of course not. I kinda thought you’d say that. I know it gets pretty repetitive after a while.”

“I didn’t—”

“Jeff!” Rome barked, waving a hand over his head. “You mind taking my girl back to the trailer? She wants to get some work done.”

More than a few heads swiveled our way, and I wanted to duck and hide, but that was impossible with Rome next to me.

He pulled me off the chair and into his arms. His nose rubbed against mine in the sweetest kiss while he smiled down at me. “You go and write the best treasure hunt story this world has ever seen.”

“I’d say yes sir, but I might already be done with that one. I kinda want to pull out one of my old rom-coms and do some rewriting.”

“You’re done?” Rome blinked like he hadn’t been expecting to hear that.

“Oh, I’m notdone-done. Not yet. I’ve got to do a few edit passes. Get some feedback from…” My stomach sank. I didn’t know who to get feedback from now. I’d had a little squad of two writing friends who I shared all my writing with…until recently. When news got out about me and Rome, things had gotten awkward. One had gone completely silent. While the other sent me a nasty DM and posted a few vague nastygrams on her social media that let me know exactly what she thought about me. I was a sellout whore making my way to the top by laying on my back.

I still felt sick when I remembered seeing those posts. The ugly DMs from Rome’s ex, Victoria Jay’s, fans were one thing, but for one of my own friends to say stuff like that…

I cleared my throat and smiled wanly. “Get some feedback from some people first. Still lots of work to do.”

He didn’t seem to notice my mixed emotion as he smiled back at me. “When you’re ready, I want to read it.”


Jeff appeared at my side. “They want you back on set, Rome.”

Rome gave me a quick kiss. “Happy writing.”

“Break a leg,” I replied and immediately felt silly. This wasn’t a high school play. Like RomanfreakingGrier needed a good luck wish.

But his eyes sparkled after he gave me one last lingering kiss, then winked, and loped off to the waiting crew.

Who were all blatantly watching me.

Cheeks flaming, I turned to Jeff and whispered, “Please get me out of here.”

Jeff laughed. “This way, Ms. Scott.”

“Oh my god. Please don’t treat me like a prima donna.” I whispered as I quick-walked in the direction he pointed. “Actually. Can we hit craft services? I didn’t get breakfast this morning.”

Jeff chuckled, grabbed my elbow, and tugged me in the opposite direction. “It’s this way.”
