Page 33 of Forsaken

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“Trust me, I don’t expect shit from him.”

We look at each other and share almost identical smirks.

Chapter 17


That weekend, I find myself sitting in a box seat at a Zander Donovan race.

Kane has been like a little kid in a candy shop, pointing out and naming every single car he sees, offering history that no sane person should know.

We got here early, stopping to talk to multiple people including Colton and Rylee Donovan. When I say we though, I mean Kane did while I looked around awkwardly.

I’m glad I wore my comfortable Nike’s because the amount of walking we did have my soles hurting.

When we finally sat down, the first thing I did was raid the snack table and order a burger with fries. It’s on Kane’s tab so I wasn’t shy with anything. I also got a pair of ear plugs because I heard these races can be loud.

“You ever been to a race?” Kane asks, taking a sip from the beer bottle he ordered.

“Never.” Is all I say as I take in the packed crowd and excited faces. I never understood the hype in watching cars race around a track.

“Well don’t look too excited,” Kane chuckles, “I’ve always loved watching races on TV with my dad. One day, when I was in college, he took me to a Colton Donovan race and that was all she wrote. You couldn’t keep me out of the stands to save my life.”

“Does Connor love it as much as you?” I raise an eyebrow at him, curious to know how he’ll answer.

“He used to join me, but I think he started to get embarrassed as he got older. Stopped wanting to be seen with a man who screams his head off like a toddler. Plus, I stopped coming as much because work started to be more demanding.” He gives a sad smile that looks genuine.

“What about your dad? Why’d he stop coming?” Someone announces the race is about to start on the loudspeaker and the crowd gets hype.

“He passed away a few years ago. Heart attack,” Kane answers before giving all his attention to the race.

The race begins and I start to get into it. I can see why Kane likes it so much. The thrill, the anxiety, the not knowing who will win or what will happen.

Sometime in the middle of the race, my burger comes.

I take a bite and I instantly get disappointed. There’s no flavor and the fries are soggy and bland.

Kane laughs at the face I make.

“I’ll take you somewhere to eat after this,” he almost yells toward me.

I just nod, tossing my burger into the nearest garbage can.


“Wasn’t that amazing?” Kane asks as he eases his way into traffic.

“It was something,” I say, watching the cars we pass on the road.

He’s silent for a second before starting again.

“I know a nice burger spot just 10 minutes from here. I’ll call them to get my favorite booth ready.” He tells his car to make a call and within a few minutes, we’re being escorted to the back of an upscale looking restaurant.

“I thought you said a burger spot. This is more like Ruth’s Chris.”

He laughs at this. “What’s wrong with Ruth’s Chris?”

We sit at an isolated booth at the back of the restaurant, ducked off from any prying eyes or ears.
